Transactions of the
International Conference of Eastern Studies
ISSN 1349-9181
Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies (former
title: Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in
Japan No. I, 1956~No. XXXIX 1994 [ISSN 0538-6012]) records the proceedings
of the Conference, which is sponsored annually by the Tōhō Gakkai. The
full texts and abstracts of research papers read at the Conference and
chairpersons’ reports of the symposiums, paper session, and seminars are
14.8×21cm, approximately 144 pp., per issue.
Price: Nos. I (1956)-XXXIX (1994) ¥1,700 each
No. XL (1995) ~ ¥2,000 each
No. 67 (Published Jan. 2024) |
67th International Conference of Eastern Studies
Opening Address and Congratulatory Message
Research Papers (full texts):
TOGAWA Takayuki 戸川貴行: The I-chu of 475 in the Liu Sung dynasty: A reconstruction of the history of the
Southern Dynasties as seen from monographs on rites and music
CHEN Syue-jhen 陳雪溱:A study of the “Imperial Decree Granting the Ecclesiastical
Rank of Hōin Daikashō and the Posthumous Name Chishō Daishi to Enchin” transcribed by Ono no
Michikaze: From the perspective of comparisons with the court calligraphic
style from the reign of emperor Hsüan-tsung of the T‘ang
Other Paper Presented (abstracts):
〈Symposium I〉
SATŌ Michio 佐藤道生: Characteristics of old manuscripts of Chinese books extant
in Japan
TAMURA Takashi 田村隆: The reception of the tale of Wang Chao-chün and the
Hsi-ching tsa-chi
SHIZUNAGA Takeshi 静永健: The circulation and disappearance of the line “who
will now share with me our old pillow, our old coverlets?”
LIU Ying 劉瑩: On the original wording of lines from T‘ang poems included
in the Senzai kaku and Wakan rōeishū
IMANISHI Yūichirō 今西祐一郎: “To cut off” and “to escape”: A single character
in the Fa-yüan chu-lin
〈Symposium II〉
SAKUMA Hidenori 佐久間秀範: Indian Vijñaptimātravāda and Chinese Vijñaptimātravāda as seen from texts translated into Chinese by Hsüan-tsang
HAMADA Tamami 濱田瑞美: Hsüan-tsang’s view of Buddha lands as seen in niches
in the Mo-kao caves in Tun-huang: With reference to T‘ang-period pictorial
representations of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa
YOSHIMURA Makoto 吉村誠: Doctrine and practice in Chinese Vijñaptimātravāda
MINOWA Kenryō 箕輪顕量: Cultivated practice and scholastic study in the Japanese Hossō school
SAILE Gyōei: Debating one’s way to enlightenment: Contemporary conceptions of the religious function of the Jion’e Ryūgi and its preparatory retreat
〈Symposium III〉
ŌKI Yasushi 大木康: Research on Chinese songs during the past one hundred
KOMATSU Ken 小松謙: How should the Yüan San-ch‘ü be positioned in the history of Chinese literature?
FUJITA Yūko 藤田優子: From the Tz‘u to the Ch‘ü: Questions concerning their lines of demarcation
UEHARA Kyūichi 上原究一: Underlying elements shared by fiction, drama, and
prosimetric literature: With reference to the tale of Wu Tzu-hsü
TANAKA Tomoyuki 田中智行: The Chin P‘ing Mei and the performing arts: Quotations and descriptions of performances
IWATA Kazuko 岩田和子: The historical development of Ssu-ch‘uan and Hu-nan librettos in the Ch‘ing period and their meaning
〈Symposium IV〉
MURAKAMI Masakazu 村上正和: Channels of communication and imperial politics
during the Chia-ch‘ing reign
AIHARA Yoshiyuki 相原佳之: Forest boundary problems during the Ch‘ing dynasty
from the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries
TOYOOKA Yasufumi 豊岡康史: Trends in rice prices and the White Lotus Rebellion
in the Ch‘ang-chiang basin in the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries
LI Yu-ju 李侑儒: Taiwan during the Chia-ch‘ing reign as seen from maritime
YU Jeungah 柳静我 & TOYOOKA Yasufumi: China’s foreign stance in 1799:
“Do not rashly instigate border conflicts”
〈Symposium V〉
SASAKI Satoshi 佐々木聡: The present state of research on kuei-shen and future issues: From the standpoint of studying views of kuei-shen as socially accepted ideas
IKEZAWA Masaru 池澤優: The dead and ghosts: Hostility and affinity in the
afterworld in grave documents of the Warring States, Ch‘in, and Han periods
WANG Xudong 王旭東: “Yang ghosts” and “red ghosts”: One aspect of Chinese ideas about ghosts up
until the Six Dynasties
SANO Seiko 佐野誠子: Spectral demons and strange-looking demons in the Buddhist
MIZOBE Yoshie 溝部良恵: On Chang Cho’s Ch‘ao-yeh ch‘ien-tsai: With reference to the Chang clan’s fiction writing during the T‘ang period
FUKUDA Motoko 福田素子: The structure of the underworld in the story “Chang A-tuan” in the Liao-chai chih-i
〈Symposium VI〉
OKADA Yasuichirō 岡田和一郎: General remarks: How to view political culture
of the Han-T‘ang period from “monographs”
WATANABE Masatomo 渡邉将智: From Yü to the Han dynasty: The compilation of
“monographs on rivers and canals” and their discontinuation
NAGATA Takuji 永田拓治: Descriptions of talismans and portents in the Han-Chin
period: The prehistory of the “monograph on talismans and portents”
〈Asian Art History Session〉
KIM Hae Yeun 金楷妍: The formation of Unkoku Tōgan’s painting style: Experiments
in landscape and figure paintings
SEO Yeongik 徐楊翊: On the Teikanzu screens by various schools held by Tokyo National Museum
GONGYANG Piaopiao 龔楊飄飄: The reception and development of landscape on the
road to Shu: Looking at Plank Road to Shu by Ike no Taiga (Idemitsu Museum of Arts)
ORIYAMA Keiko 折山桂子: Pillars shaped like mount sumeru in Caves 302 and 303 of the Mo-kao Caves
CHE Xingxuan 車星璇: A study of later niches in the five caves of T‘an-yao
Rachel Deborah QUIST: A study of the Kami Daigoji Yakushi hall Kichijōten
and Enmaten sculptures: With a focus on 12th century safe birth rituals
AKAO Eike 赤尾栄慶i: Old manuscript scriptures as cultural properties and as
〈4th International Forum for the Study of Chinese Culture〉
Plenary Session
黄朴民: “古司馬法”與先秦“軍禮”關係探微
湯浅邦弘: 王權的由來與軍事的正當性─清華簡《五紀》《參不書》考釋
陳峰: 宋代的文官掌軍制度及其效応 石井仁: 關于魏晉中軍的成立
Section I
李鴻賓: 試論唐後期成德鎮員属“本土化”現象及其実質
渡邉義浩: 中國古代軍事思想的展開與儒敎
趙現海: 中國古代的有限戰爭傳統與邊疆經営模式
仙石知子: 中國近古代的女性從軍 孫昊: “謀克”軍政組織淵源考
高橋康浩: 關于三國時代的鼓吹曲 彭勇:明代兵制“衰敗論”簡説
Section II
柿沼陽平: 秦漢時期的戦果報告
孫聞博: 河西之爭與秦國崛起――以歴史敍事和政治地理爲視角
孫靖國・駱文・陳雪榕: 明代九邊地圖的數字化分析――以宣府鎭爲例
Section III
平田陽一郎: 隋煬帝的軍制改革與治理體制—以虎賁郎将、虎牙郎将爲中心
羅瑋: 扈従蒙哥汗征蜀之華北漢軍将校“十九人”考――兼論元朝侍衛親軍組建之起源
劉暁: 金末信安抗蒙武装與元代“信安系”水軍将領
Chairpersons’ Reports:
Symposium I: Variant Versions and Variant Readings of Chinese Texts and Classical Japanese Literature (IMANISHI Yūichirō今西祐一郎)
Symposium II: The Doctrines and Practices of the Vijñaptimātravāda Established
by Hsüan-tsang and Their Development in Japan (SAKUMA Hidenori佐久間秀範)
Symposium III: Chneg Chen-to’s History of Chinese Popolar Literature and Subsequent Research: Developments and Issues in the Study of Songs
and Prosimetric Literature (TAKATSU Takashi 髙津孝)
Sympojiumu V: The Forefront of Research on Chinese Kuei-shen (Gods, Ghosts, Demons, Spirits, etc.) (TOKURA Hidemi 戸倉英美)
Symposium VI: Political Culture in the Han-T‘ang Period as Seen from “Monographs”
(NAGATA Takuji 永田拓治 & OKADA Kazuichirō 岡田和一郎)
Asian Art History (ITAKURA Masaaki 板倉聖哲)
4th International Forum for the Study of Chinese Culture (WATNABE Yoshihiro
Lectures at the Kansai Session (abstructs):
Christophe MARQUET: A consideration of Ōtsu-e as folk-religions paintings
SUENAGA Takayasu 末永高康: The origins of the canonical texts of the rites
and their notes
List of Speakers
No. 66 (Published Dec. 2022) |
66th International Conference of Eastern Studies
Opening Address and Congratulatory Message
Research Papers (full texts):
ZHANG Xuefeng 張学鋒: Medieval metropolis in East Asia
MAEDA Kana 前田佳那: The establishment of Yen Wen-kuei’s 燕文貴 landscape paintings in the capital city of K‘ai-feng in the early Northern Sung: From the perspective of the eunuch Liu Ch‘eng-kuei 劉承規
Other Paper Presented (abstracts):
〈Symposium I〉
SATAKE Yasuko 佐竹保子: “Philosophy” and “emotion” in metaphysical poetry and
landscape poetry
SAITŌ Mareshi 斎藤希史: Reverie and nature: With a focus on the Eastern Chin
KOMINAMI Ichirō 小南一郎: What did T‘ao Yüan-ming 陶淵明 see on south mountain?
DŌZONO Yoshiko 堂園淑子: Nature and enlightenment: The poems “An Outing to
Mount Lu” and “An Outing to Stone Gate” by Hui-yüan 慧遠 and others and Hsieh
Ling-yün’s 謝霊運 landscape poetry
NAKANISHI Hisami 中西久味: On the emergence of landscape poetry and the reception
of Buddhism
MURATA Mio 村田みお: Numinosity and image in Buddhist painting and landscape
painting of the Six Dynasties
LIU Yuan-ju 劉苑如: Research on Six Dynasties landscape poetry in China: Focusing on Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore
〈Symposium II〉
SASAKI Megumi 佐々木愛: What is Confucian society? Towards a comparison of
East Asian countries in the early modern period
TOYOSHIMA Yuka 豊島悠果: “Confucianization” in early modern Korea and the family
YOSHIDA Yuriko 吉田ゆり子: “Confucianization” in early modern Japan and the family
JO Ho-yeon 趙浩衍: The family, kinship, and “Confucianization” in early modern
Vietnam: Confucianization and village and gender order as seen in Vietnamese
〈Symposium III〉
SAKAUE Yasutoshi 坂上康俊: Restoring the arrangement of articles in T‘ang statutes
on official correspon-dence: With a focus on provisions regarding the tieh 牒
AKAGI Takatoshi 赤木崇敏: The general format of Chinese-language official documents
from the T‘ang to Yüan periods and changes in their format
CHEN Liping 陳麗萍: Delving into the origins of the Chang 張 clan of Tun-huang: A match in BD15411 + P. 2625
KAWAJIRI Akio 川尻秋生: Imperial edicts: Senji 宣旨 and rinji 綸旨
TESHIMA Daisuke 手嶋大侑: On warrants of appointment in the Heian period
KOJIMA Michihiro 小島道裕: On questions about the position of seals on documents
〈Symposium IV〉
ZHU Yanshi 朱岩石: The establishment and maturation of new plans for palaces
in the Han-Chin period
MUKAI Yūsuke 向井佑介: Changes in the burial system from the Han to Chin periods: Questions concerning large tombs of the Ts‘ao Wei discovered in recent years
MORISHITA Shōji 森下章司: The character of stone tablets unearthed at T‘sao
Ts‘ao’s 曹操 mausoleum and the Ts‘ao Wei tomb at Hsi-chu-ts‘un西朱村 in Lo-yang
OKAMURA Hidenori 岡村秀典: The transformation of rules for chariots and carriages
in the Han-Chin period
KOBAYASHI Satoshi 小林聡: Developments in dress regulations in the Han-Chin period: With a focus on the spread of the system of court dress
〈Symposium V〉
SAITŌ Akira 斎藤明: On Chinese and Tibetan translations of Buddhist texts
KAWASAKI Yutaka 川﨑豊: Equivalents of the Seventy-five Elements in Pāli texts
up to the works of Buddhaghosa
MUROJI Yoshihito 室寺義仁: The Buddha’s mind (great compassion) and the practitioner’s mind
TAKAHASHI Kōichi 髙橋晃一: Bauddhakośa: Multilingual dictionaries and the dictionary modules of the text encoding
ISSHIKI Daigo 一色大悟: The history of research on the Seventy-five Elements
MIYAZAKI Izumi 宮崎泉: The classification and definition of elements in the
YOKOYAMA Takeshi 横山剛: On the role and functions of systems of elements: Observations based on the *Madhyamakapañcaskandhaka
〈Asian Art History Session〉
KIM Gina 金池娜: Rationalizing Nihonga 日本画: Images of machines, labor, and technology for visualizing the industrial state of Manchukuo (1932–1945)
Haely CHANG : Famous mountains captured in photographs and paintings: Modern
landscape painting in an age of photography as seen in the photographs
and paintings of the Diamond Mountains by the Tokuda 徳田 brothers
HU Haoran 胡皓然: A study of the Shui-ch‘üan 水泉 caves in Ho-nan province
WANG Shu 王姝: On the styles of the crowns and garments seen in Eastern Wei and Northern Ch‘i images of a pensive figure beneath two trees
ZHANG Mengying 張夢頴: The influence of Ch‘an 禅 culture on artistic expression
in the literati culture of China: With reference to “dead trees”
SANO Midori 佐野みどり: The structure told by large narrative paintings: On
local character
Chairpersons’ Reports:
Symposium I: Philosophy and Nature: The Formation of Six Dynasties Landscape Poetry (KOMINAMI Ichirō)
Symposium II: Various Forms of “Confucianization” and Gender Norms in Early Modern East Asia (KOHAMA Masako 小浜正子)
Symposium III: The Possibilities of Comparative East Asian Diplomatics
(MARUYAMA Yumiko 丸山裕美子)
Symposium IV: Archaeological Research on the Han-Chin Transition (OKAMURA
Symposium V: Will Buddhist Thought Be Reborn? A Summing-up of the Bauddhakośa Project (SAITŌ Akira)
East Asian Art History (ITAKURA Masaaki 板倉聖哲)
Lectures at the Kansai Session (abstracts):
Erika FORTE: The eight protectors in Tun-huang: The Khotanese Kingdom’s
avatars in a Chinese visual context
INAMOTO Yasuo 稲本泰生: The significance of Chinese inscriptions unearthed
at Bodh Gayā and trends in Chinese Buddhist art in the 10th to-11th centuries
List of Speakers
No. 65 (Published Dec. 2021) |
65th International Conference of Eastern Studies
Opening Address and Congratulatory Message
Research Papers (full texts):
BABA Norihisa 馬場紀寿: Greatness or heresy?: Pāli dscourse on Vetulla / Vetulya as the Mahāvihāra’s response to the Mahāyāna
SHAN Dan 單單: The Album of Daoist and Buddhist Theme (Cleveland Museum of
Art): An examination of its contents and stylistic features
Other Paper Presented (abstracts):
〈Symposium I〉
KAWAHARA Hideki 川原秀城: Shu-shu studies: The paradox of numbers and the I-ching
TAKAHASHI Ayano 髙橋あやの: Shu-shu and astronomical cosmology in the Han period
HIRASAWA Ayumu 平澤歩: A preliminary consideration of the process whereby
texts change: With reference to the Hung-fan wu-hsing chuan
SASAKI Satoshi 佐々木聡: The compilation of astronomical and wu-hsing divination works in dynastic China and book-banning polices
MINAKUCHI Takuju 水口拓寿: Combining Confucian studies, shu-shu, and fang-chi: The achievements and failure of Chu Chen-heng’s Feng-shui wen-ta
TANAKA Yūki 田中有紀: Is Chinese music a form of shu-shu studies?: An analysis of I-ching-based diagrams in Chiang Yung’s Lü-lü hsing-i and Lü-lü ch‘an-wei
CHANG Che-chia 張哲嘉: The challenges faced by Chinese astrology and its strategic transformation since the May Fourth Movement
〈Symposium II〉
NAGASE Yumi長瀬由美: The reception of Po Chü-i’s “Ts‘e-lin” in the Heian period
TAKIGAWA Kōji 滝川幸司: On the prose of imperial decrees: Imperial decrees
and responses containing the word akō
YAMAMOTO Mayuko 山本真由子: Sugawara no Fumitoki’s prefaces to Sinitic and Japanese poems
SONG Han 宋晗: The world of “personal accounts”: The reception of mid-T‘ang
ancient-style prose based on parallel prose
MIKI Masahiro 三木雅博: How was the Sinitic world of the lower classes related
to the Sinitic world characteristic of the Honchō monzui?: With reference to its common character and local character
〈Symposium III〉
MORIKAWA Tomoko 守川知子: An Armenian merchant family from New Julfa in Isfahan
under the Safavid empire: A case study of the Valijanian family
UENO Masayuki 上野雅由樹: Cooperation against the “religion of the Pope”: The
Ottoman empire and the Armenian patriarchs of Istanbul in the eighteenth
AKIYAMA Shingo 秋山晋吾: Across the Carpathian mountains: Transylvanian Armenians and Moldova in the 18-19th centuries
SHIMADA Ryūto 島田竜登: Persian, Armenian, and Dutch merchants in the trade
between India and Siam during the early modern period
Kristine KOSTIKYAN: Armenian merchants in Armenia in the early modern period
YOSHIMURA Takayuki 吉村貴之: The Abgaryan family in Japan between the two world wars
〈Symposium IV〉
SEO Tatsuhiko 妹尾達彦: The ninth century as a turning point in history: The
formation of urban society in the east city of Ch‘ang-an
HAYASHI Miki 林美希: The armies of inspired strategy and the emperor’s personal
treasury during the T‘ang
SAITŌ Shigeo 斉藤茂雄: Former subjects of the Second Türkic Khaganate and the An-Shih Rebellion
TAKASE Natsuko 髙瀬奈津子: On the families of eunuchs during the T‘ang period
and their burial sites
KŌCHI Haruhito 河内春人: Regional powers in T‘ang China and the countries of
East Asia after the An-Shih Rebellion
NIIMI Madoka 新見まどか: The collapse of the Wang régime in Ch‘eng-te and the founding of the Later T‘ang by the Sha-t‘o
〈Symposium V〉
Paul HARRISON: The rhetorical uses of complexity in Mahāyāna sūtras
HONJŌ Yoshifumi 本庄良文: From Abhidharma Buddhism to “Mahāyāna” Buddhism:
From the viewpoint of interpreta-tions of the scriptures
SAITŌ Akira斎藤明: The Indian Mādhyamika and Yogācāra schools: Rethinking their differences and the background to these differences
TAKAHASHI Kōichi 髙橋晃一: The Bodhisattvapiṭaka and Śrāvakapiṭaka in the Yogācāra school
FUJII Jun 藤井淳: Problems in research on early Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism as seen from Chinese doctrinal classifica-tions: With a focus on “Bodhisattva vehicle,” “Buddha vehicle,” and “great vehicle”
〈Asian Art History Session〉
Gina J. CHOI: Making landscapes in fifteenth-century Japan and Korea: Chinese
painting models from the shogunal and princely collections
SHIN Ryega 申麗嘉: A comparison of Hayami Gyoshū’s Karubo (Korean Ladies of the Night) and Tsuchida Bakusen’s Heishō (Daybed): Their differing perceptions of female figures
FU Enhao 付恩浩: The twin-niche motif at the Mai-chi-shan grottoes and the
Lotus Samādhi meditation
MA Geyang 馬歌陽: An examination of statues of heavenly kings unearthed in
Daniel BORENGASSER: Two perspectives on Rengeōin’s Thousand-Image Hall
SARAI Mai 皿井舞: Spatial ornamentation in the Phoenix Hall at Byōdōin
〈2nd International Folum for the Study of Chinese Culture〉
Plenary Session
王 啓發 (WANG Qifa): 元代呉澄對《禮記·王制》篇的改編及其意義解析 (The rearrangement of the “Wangzhi” chapter of the Liji by Wu Cheng of the Yuan and an analysis of its significance)
小島 毅 (KOJIMA Tsuyoshi): 再論「文化中國」(A reexamination of cultural China)
蘇 俊林 (SU Junlin): 論秦漢二十等爵制的終結 (On the end of the system of Twenty Rank-Titles of the Qin and Han)
渡邉義浩 (WATANABE Yoshihiro): 中國史學的展開和儒敎 (The development of the study of
Chinese history and Confucianism)
Section I
葛 煥禮 (GE Huanli): 範式與問題――美國的唐宋思想轉型研究 (Paradigms and problems: American
research on the transformation in Tang-Song thought)
沙 武田 (SHA Wutian): 張議潮的政治聯盟窟――莫高窟洞窟組合崖面“空閒”的“歷史物質性” (Zhang Yichao’s political
alliance cave: The “historical materiality” of “space” on the combined
wall faces of caves in the Mogao Caves)
井川義次 (IGAWA Yoshitsugu): 法國大革命爆發前之中國的聖王和暴君的信息――以張居正的《帝鑑圖説》的法譯本爲例 (Information
about China’s sage-kings and tyrants immediately before the French Revolution:
On Faits mémorables des empereurs de la Chine, a French translation of
Zhang Jusheng’s Dijian tushuo)
沈 冬梅 (SHEN Dongmei): 中國茶文化的源生性與世界傳播的多樣性述論 (A discussion of the original character of China’s tea culture and the diversity of its spread around the world)
呉 四伍 (WU Siwu): 清代海洋治理的地域文化與協調機制 (Local culture and coordinating mechanisms
in maritime administration during the Qing)
牧角悦子 (MAKIZUMI Etsuko): 雅言和「斟酌」: 春秋期“詩”所負的機能 (Refined diction and “consideration”)
趙 瑩波 (ZHAO Yingbo): 從日本鴻臚館漢詩外交看中國文化在東亞的傳播 (The spread of Chinese culture
in East Asia as seen from diplomacy mediated by Chinese poems at the guesthouse
for foreign embassies in Japan)
趙 現海 (ZHAO Xianhai): 道家“無爲而治”的政治立場與“不戰而勝”的戰爭觀念 (The Daoists’ political position of “ruling through non-action” and their ideas on war, “not fighting, yet winning”)
仙石知子 (SENGOKU Tomoko): 劉向《列女傳》在日本的接受與傳播――以松本萬年的(標注)《標注劉向列女傳》爲例 (The reception
of the Lienü zhuan in Japan)
楊 富學 (YANG Fuxue)・樊 麗沙 (FAN Lisha): 司馬遷“行國”史觀及其對後世的影響 (Sima Qian’s historical
view of “mobile states” and its influence on posterity)
Section II
妹尾達彦 (SEO Tatsuhiko): 中國文化的統一性和多樣性――以行政城市網的變遷爲綫索 (Unity and diversity in
Chinese culture: With reference to changes in the network of administrative
成 一農 (CHENG Yinong): 王朝是“帝國”嗎?――以寰宇圖和職貢圖爲中心 (Is a dynasty an “empire”?:
With a focus on world maps and illustrations of tribute missions)
中島隆博 (NAKAJIMA Takahiro): 反思王弼――超越否定神學 (Rethinking Wang Bi)
桓 占偉 (HUAN Zhanwei): 何以殷人尊神――基于夏・殷兩族生産方式差異性的考察 (Why did people of Yin venerate
gods?: An examination based on differences in the methods of production
of the peoples of Xia and Yin)
Section Ⅲ
陳 志遠 (CHEN Zhiyuan): 中山七帝寺興廢考――解讀《隋重修七帝寺碑》(The rise and decline of the Seven Emperors Temple in Zhongshan: Reading the Sui chongxiu Qidisi bei)
宋 學立 (SONG Xueli): 全眞道敎學法之言敎與身敎 (Verbal teachings and physical teachings in the doctrines of the Quanzhen School of Daoism)
河野貴美子 (KŌNO Kimiko): 從日本傳存資料看唐代典籍文化的統一性及多樣性 (Unity and diversity in Tang
book culture as seen through materials preserved in Japan)
邱 源媛 (QIU Yuanyuan): 八旗圈地制度的輻射――清初撥補地考實 (The diffusion of the system of
bannerlands of the eight banners: An examination of the allocation of supplementary
lands in the early Qing)
劉 中玉 (LIU Zhongyu): 風會圖視域下的晚明文化轉型 (The transformation of late Ming culture as seen in paintings of street scenes)
柿沼陽平 (KAKINUMA Yōhei): 中國古代禿頭攷 (A study of baldness in ancient China)
張 倩茹 (ZHANG Qianru): 嘉靖九年郊祀改革中的分祀合祀之爭 (The dispute about worshipping deities
separately or jointly in the reform of the suburban sacrifice in 1530)
牟 堅 (MOU Jian): “洒掃應對,便是形而上之事”――朱熹以“禮”來貫通其《小學》、《大學章句》(“Sprinkling and sweeping,
responding to calls and replying to questions: These are metaphysical matters”:
How Zhu Xi underpinned his Xiaoxue and Daxue zhangju with “propriety”)
Chairpersons’ Reports:
Symposium I: Issues and Methods in Research on Shu-shu Studies (MINAKUCHI
Symposium II: Various Aspects of Prose in the Sinitic Literature of the Heian Period (FUJIWARA Katsumi藤原克己)
Symposium III: Armenian Communities and Their Global Network from the Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries (MORIKAWA Tomoko)
Symposium IV: East Asia after the An-Shih Rebellion (IWAMI Kiyohiro 石見清裕)
Symposium V: ‘Mahāyāna’ Buddhism: Revisiting Differences between Schools,
Tenets, and Doctrinal Classifi-cations and Their Background (SAITŌ Akira)
East Asian Art History (NEDACHI Kensuke 根立研介)
2nd International Forum for the Study of Chinese Culture (WATANABE Yoshihiro)
Lectures at the Kansai Session (abstracts):
YI, Lidu (衣麗都):《大吉義神咒經》與帝王擁護思想在雲岡石窟的宗敎禮儀實踐
MIDORIKAWA Hideki 緑川英樹: How did Gozan monks read Shan-ku’s poems?: Banri
Shūku’s Chōchūkō
List of Speakers
No. 64 (Published Jan. 2020) |
64th International Conference of Eastern Studies
Opening Address and Congratulatory Message
Research Papers (full texts):
FUNG Kam-wing (馮錦栄), From Matteo Ricci, Hsü Kuang-ch‘i 徐光啓 and Ch‘en Chin-mo 陳藎謨 to Emperor K‘ang-hsi康熙: The spread of Western surveying in China
YOO Sangsoo (柳尚秀), The Perfect Enlightenment Sūtra Illumination (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston): With a Focus on Changes in the Representation of Rocana and Their Reception
Other Paper Presented (abstracts):
〈Symposium I〉
SAITŌ Akira (斎藤明), Why did Avalokiteśvara and not Bhagavat teach the Prajñāpāramitāhdaya in its shorter and longer versions?
WATANABE Shōgo (渡辺章悟), The lineage of the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya: With a focus on its introduction and expressions of “emptiness”
HORIUCHI Toshio (堀内俊郎), Revisiting the Indian commentaries on the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya: Vimalamitra’s interpretation of the “eight negations”
ISHII Kōsei (石井公成), The Sanskrit text of the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya as teen by Wŏnch’ŭk
Jonathan SILK, Thinking about the Heart Sutra in a broad context: Popular short scriptures and what they can tell us
〈Symposium II〉
HIRAYAMA Hisao (平山久雄), The Ch‘ieh-yün 切韻 and Lu Fa-yen’s 陸法言 father, Lu Shuang 陸爽: Some observations on the structure
of the Ch‘ieh-yün
WANG Weihui (汪維輝), Medieval Chinese dictionaries and the study of the history
of the Chinese lexicon
SUZUKI Shingo (鈴木慎吾), Chinese rhyme dictionaries
SAWADA Tatsuya (澤田達也), Chinese character dictionaries and phonetic-semantic dictionaries
ŌIWAMOTO Kōji (大岩本幸次), Materials related to the Chi-yün 集韻 and the Phonology of the Chin Period
ŌTSUKI Makoto (大槻信), Chinese dictionaries and Japanese dictionaries
〈Symposium III〉
Alisher BEGMATOV, New discoveries in Sogdiana
Frantz GRENET, The wooden panels from Kafir-kala: A group portrait of the
Samarkand nāf ?
ARAKAWA Masaharu (荒川正晴), The Kao-ch‘ang kingdom’s rule of Turfan and its
Sogdian settlement in the sixth century
KAGEYAMA Etsuko (影山悦子), Sogdians in the sixth century as seen from funeral
accessories of the Northern Dynasties
BI Bo (畢波), The new bilingual Sogdian and Chinese epitaph from Yeh 鄴 and
the Sogdians in the Northern Ch‘i Dynasty
YAMASHITA Shōji (山下将司), Sogdians in the maelstrom of mar: Sogdians during
the period of division in north China in the sixth century as depicted
in Chinese-language epitaphs
〈Symposium IV〉
FURUHASHI Norihiro (古橋紀宏), The ritual scholarship of Cheng Hsüan 鄭玄 and Wang Su 王粛
MINAMIZAWA Yoshihiko (南澤良彦), Han scholarship in the Northern and Southern
Dynasties: Tradition and innovation to be seen in the Ming-t‘ang 明堂
CHEN Jie (陳捷), An examination of the compilation and publication of collectanea during the Ch‘ien-lung 乾隆 and Chia-ch‘ing 嘉慶 reigns
WATANABE Junsei (渡辺純成), Manchu texts and Han scholarship: Han scholarship
reflected in them and Han scholarship for understanding them
SHINO Yoshinobu (志野好伸), Is Han scholarship science?: The bone of contention
between Han scholarship and Sung scholarship in modern China
〈Asian Art History Session〉
WU Xiaoxiao (武瀟瀟), The screen and wall paintings and rock garden of Daisen’in
大仙院 as seen from the reception of Eight Views of the Hsiao and Hsiang Rivers D
U Xiaohan (杜暁晗), Paintings with poetic inscriptions by I-shan I-ning 一山一寧
and their seals: With a focus on the seal “I-weng” 壹翁
SUN Aiqi (孫愛琪), On Liu Ying-hsi’s 劉応襲 edition of the Hsi-hsiang Chi 西廂記 published during the Wan-li era of the Ming
Caitlin KARYADI, The Nanpin 南蘋 construct: Copying, collecting, and connoisseurship
in Edo-period Japan
ARAI Takayuki (新井宗之), The influence of ideas about state rule during the
Ming dynasty on porcelain produced at government kilns
Maria Carlotta AVANZI, An examination of the significance of statues of young children
ISHIMATSU Hinako (石松日奈子), The debate about the date of the Wei Wen-lang 魏文朗 stele: Correcting the reference to the Shih-kuang 始光 era
Chairpersons’ Reports:
SAITŌ Akira:Symposium I: Dismantling the Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya: The Frontier of Prajñāpāramitāhdaya Studies
KIDA Akiyoshi (木田章義):Symposium II: The Current State of Research on Medieval Chinese and Early Japanese Dictionaries
YOSHIDA Yutaka (吉田豊):Symposium III: New Developments in Research on Sogdians:
A True Picture of Sogdians in China and Sogdiana at the Time of the Northern
KAWAHARA Hideki (川原秀城):Symposium IV: What Is Han Scholarship?: Characteristics
of Scholarship in the Han-T‘ang, Northern Sung, and Mid- to Late Ch‘ing
Periods and Its Limitations
NEDACHI Kensuke (根立研介):Asian Art History Session
Kansai Session (abstructs):
XU Hong (許宏), Two stages in state formation on the East Asian continent:
With a focus on Erh-li-t‘ou 二里頭
MICHISAKA Akihiro (道坂昭廣), A consideration of Wang Po’s 王勃 parallel prose: With a focus on works written in Shu 蜀
No. 63 (Published Dec. 2018) |
63rd International Conference of Eastern Studies
Opening Address and Congratulatory Message
Research Papers (full texts):
MORI Tatsuya, East-West Interaction from the Ninth to the Fifteenth Centuries
as Seen from Trade Ceramics: Through a Comparison of the Persian Gulf and
the Ryukyu Islands
HU Zhimin, Long Landscape Scrolls in the Style of Hsia Kuei Produced in the Mid-Ming: Grand View of Rivers and Mountains Held by the Freer Gallery of Art
Other Paper Presented (abstracts):
〈Symposium I〉
Oliver WATSON, New Views: A Middle-Eastern Perspective on Islamic-Chinese
Ceramic Trade in the T‘ang-Sung Periods
KIKUCHI Yuriko, Southeast Asia and Maritime Interaction in the Sung-Yüan-Ming China from the Perspective of Vietnamese Ceramics
OGAWA Mitsuhiko, The Cultural Spheres of Wood-stone Anchors, Wooden Anchors,
and Iron Grapnels in Maritime East Asia
YAMAUCHI Shinji, The “Sulfur Road” in Asia
QIU Yihao, The Horse Riders Involved in the Maritime Trade: Continuities and Changes in the Indian Landscape under the Mongol Invasions
〈Symposium II〉
WATANABE Hideyuki, Perceptions of Self and Other by the People of Ch‘in
Lothar von FALKENHAUSEN, The Economy of Ch‘in: An Archaeological Assessment
TAKAMURA Takeyuki, The Beginnings of Document-Based Administration
YOSHIMOTO Michimasa, The Shih-chi’s Perception of Ch‘in History
Robin D. S. YATES, Recent Trends in Western-Language Scholarship on the Ch‘in .
〈Symposium III〉
Lawrence C. H. YIM, The Politics and Literary Criticism of Ch‘ien Ch‘ien-i
NOMURA Ayuko, Some Enigmas Surrounding the Compilation and Arrangement
of Ch‘ien Ch‘ien-i’s Lieh- ch‘ao Shih-chi
ARATA Motonori, The “Hsüeh-hsiao” Chapter of Huang Tsung-hsi’s Ming-i Tai-fang-lu as a Sub-branch of Theories about Schools
NAKANISHI Tatsuya, The Reactions of Chinese Muslims to Changing Currents
of Thought in the Late Ming and Early Ch‘ing: From a Comparison of Discussions
about the Diversity of People by Wang Tai-yü and Liu Chih
FUKUDA Yasunori, The World of Ming-Ch‘ing Fiction and Hiraga Gennai
〈Symposium IV〉
LEI Wen, The Prohibition of “Assemblies” in the Sui-T‘ang Period: One Aspect
of the Relationship between the State and Religious Rites
SENDA Yutaka, Temples of Heirs Apparent during the T‘ang Dynasty
EGAWA Shikibu, A Reexamination of the Types of Rites in the Ta T‘ang K‘ai-yüan Li: With a Focus on Omitted Rites
ENOMOTO Jun’ichi, The Compilation of the Chiang-tu Chih-li and Its Significance and Influence
SAKURA Sōtarō, The Transformation of the Sekiten Libation into an Annual Event F
URUSE Natsuko, The Emperor and Senior Nobles as Seen from the Management of Rituals in the Regency and Insei Periods .
〈Symposium V〉
SAITŌ Akira, On the Interpretation of Tathāgatagarbha in the Ratnagotravibhāga
SHIMODA Masahiro, Differences in Aspects of Discourse in Buddhist Texts
and the Interpretation of Tathāgatagarbha Thought
Michael ZIMMERMANN, A Multi-associative Term: Why Tathāgatagarbha Is not
One and the Same
KANŌ Kazuo, A Reexamination of the Usage of “Tathāgatagarbha” in Sanskrit
Fragments of the Mahāparinirvāṇamahāsūtra
Christopher V. JONES, ‘Dhātu Discourse’: Reassessing the ‘Essence’ of Tathāgatagarbha Literature
〈Asian Art History Session〉
LI Han, On Ceramic Ware depicted in Mural Tombs of the Liao Period in the
Hsüan-hua District, Ho-pei Province: With a Focus on Chang Shih-ch‘ing’s
YI Danyun, An Examination of “Depictions of the World” on Statues of the
Dharma-realm Buddha in the Early T‘ang: On the Dharma-realm Buddha in Cave
332 of the Mo-kao Grottoes
HUANG Pan, The Reception of Early Buddhist Pagodas in China and Their Vicissitudes
INABA Satomi, An Examination of the Design of Caves 7 and 8 of the Yün-kang
Grottoes .
ASAMI Ryūsuke, The Study of Buddhist Statues with Scientific Instruments
〈10th Forum of Japanee and Chinese Scholars on Ancient Chinese History〉
Plenary Session
Section I
牧角悦子: 經學與文學――以詩經研究爲例
Section II
Chairpersons’ Reports:
Symposium I: Beyond East Asian History: Maritime Asia Viewed from the Flow
of Materials in the Sung- Yüan-Early Ming Transition (YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro)
Symposium II: Birth of the Ch‘in Empire: In Dialogue with Anglophone Researchers
Symposium III: New Trends in Research on the Late Ming and Early Ch‘ing
Period, II: Thought, Literature, and Art (ŌKI Yasushi)
Symposium IV: The State and Rites: The Culture of Ancient Japan within
East Asia (ŌTSU Tōru)
Symposium V: What is Tathāgatagarbha: The Frontier of Research on Tathāgatagarbha and Buddha-nature Thought (SAITŌ Akira)
Asian Art History Session (NEDACHI Kensuke)
10th Forum of Japanese and Chinese Scholars on Ancient Chinese History
(WATANABE Yoshihiro)
Kansai Session (abstructs):
Kicengge, The Territorial Expansion of the Ch‘ing and Nomadic Groups of
the Dzungars in the Eighteenth Century: An Elucidation of Their Actual
Circumstances on the Basis of Manchu Sources
OKAMURA Hidenori, The Investigation and Study of the Yün-kang Grottoes
List of Speakers
No. 62 (Published Dec. 2017) |
62nd International Conference of Eastern Studies
Opening Address and Congratulatory Message
Research Papers (full texts):
NAGATA Tomoyuki(永田知之), Differences between old manuscripts and printed
editions of the Han-shu: With a focus on the text of a Tun-huang manuscript and editorial glosses
in a Southern Sung edition
Steffani M. BENNETT, The politics of prayer: Sesshū’s Tōyō’s 雪舟等楊Thirty-three Kannon paintings and Ming-dynasty illustrated Guanyin Sutras
Other Papers Presented (abstracts):
〈Symposium I〉
ZHANG Xiaoyan (張小艶), An investigation into the surname “Chiu” 就 seen in Tun-huang documents
ZHAO Jing (趙晶), T‘ang-dynasty official procedures for dealing with dead
livestock as seen in documents from Tun-huang and Turfan: Reexamining the
reconstruction of Articles from parts of the T‘ang statutes and T‘ang ordinances
YAMAMOTO Takako (山本孝子), Changes in the format of Chinese epistolary documents
from the late T‘ang and Five Dynasties to the Sung: Through an examination
of P.3449+P.3864
IWAO Kazushi (岩尾一史), Tun-huang manuscripts of the Old Tibetan Chronicle and Old Tibetan Annals and their dates
〈Symposium II〉
JU Chiou-er (朱秋而), The Confucian poets Matsunaga Sekigo 松永尺五 and Kinoshita
Jun’an 木下順庵: Their perceptions of Japanese and Chinese and the formation
of their poetic styles
TAKAYAMA Daiki (高山大毅), The Hayashi 林 family’s question-and-answer style
of writing: With a focus on Hayashi Gahō 鵞峰 and Dokkōsai 読耕斎
YAMAMOTO Yoshitaka (山本嘉孝), Muro Kyūsō’s 室鳩巣 poems about the mid-autumn moon
MIYAZAKI Shūta (宮崎修多), Hattori Nankaku’s 服部南郭 reception of Po Lo-t‘ien’s
白楽天 poems
FUKUI Tatsuhiko (福井辰彦), The repercussions of Yamamoto Hokuzan’s 山本北山 Sakushi shikō 作詩志彀
IKEZAWA Ichirō (池澤一郎), The precision of research into T‘ang-Sung poetry
seen in the poems of Ōnuma Chinzan 大沼枕山: With a focus on rhyme-matching
poems and poems on objects
〈Symposium III〉
SUZUKI Noriko (鈴木則子), Developments in early modern balneotherapy in Japan
and the transformation of hot-spring cures
NAGANO Hitoshi (長野仁), The transformation of Japanese acumoxa brought about by the adaptation of passages from Chinese medical works of the Ming period
SHIN Dongwon (申東源), From hyangyak 郷薬 (local medicine) to tongŭi 東医 (eastern medicine): The development of self-awareness in indigenous
medical traditions in premodern Korean medical history
MAYANAGI Makoto (真柳誠), The traditions and characteristics of Vietnamese
〈Symposium IV〉
SAITŌ Akira (斎藤明), The translation of Buddhist texts, past and present:
Chinese translations and Tibetan translations
FUNAYAMA Tōru (船山徹), Two sides of Chinese translations of Buddhist texts:
What comes to light beneath the surface
BABA Norihisa (馬場紀寿), Resisting translation: The notion of Pāli as the language of the Buddhist scriptures in the Mahāvihāra school of Theravāda Buddhism
YE Shaoyong (葉少勇), What appears between Sanskrit and Chinese translation:
A case study of Kumārajīva’s translation of the *Madhyamakaśāstra
YOSHIMIZU Chizuko (吉水千鶴子), The background to the transmission of ideas through Tibetan translations of Buddhist texts: Translation and instruction
Stefano ZACCHETTI, Reading obscure translations in early medieval China
〈Asian Art History Session〉
KUMASAKA Satomi (熊坂聡美), Development of medium-sized caves with niches in three walls of the Yün-kang 雲岡 grottoes
MA Wei (馬偉), A study of a stele engraved with images of a nun and Dharmākara:
An inquiry into styles of Buddhist statues
LUO Ling (羅玲), A “back-screen” Buddhist sculpture with an inscription dated
T‘ien-chien 天監 15 of the Liang 梁 discovered along lower T‘ung-jen 同仁 road
in Ch‘eng-tu 成都
LEE I-jan (李宜蓁), Hsüeh An’s 雪庵 Lo-han t‘u-ts‘e 羅漢図冊 and the Dhūta teaching of the Yüan period
MARUYAMA Nobuhiko (丸山伸彦), A historical reexamination of the painter Miyazaki Yūzen 宮崎友禅
Chairpersons’ Reports:
Symposium I: The Current State of Tun-huang Studies (TAKATA Tokio 高田時雄)
Symposium II: Ideas and Expression in Early Modern Kanbun Literature (GŌYAMA Rintarō 合山林太郎)
Symposium III: Medical Treatment and Its Indigenization in the Sinographic Cultural Sphere (MAYANAGI Makoto 真柳誠)
Symposium IV: Aspects of the Translation of Buddhist Texts: The Situation
in the Northern and Southern Traditions (SAITŌ Akira 斎藤明)
Asian Art History Session (NEADACHI Kensuke 根立研介)
Lectures at the Kansai Session (abstracts):
Samuel MORSE, Replications: Sacred images and the Buddhist sculpture of
the Chūsei period
YOSHIKAWA Shinji (吉川真司), Current thinking on Japan’s “national culture”
during the Heian period
No. 61 (Published Dec. 2016) |
61st International Conference of Eastern Studies
Opening Address and Congratulatory Message
Research Papers (full texts):
WANG Zhenzhong (王 振忠): Ryukyuan Chinese works and the study of Chinese
YANG Ya-pei (楊 雅琲): The significance of paintings of the Queen Mother of the West: With a focus on the Kanō school in the seventeenth century
Other Papers Presented (abstracts):
〈Symposium I〉
SAKUMA Hidenori (佐久間秀範): Valabhī’s Sthiramati and the commentator Sthiramati
MINOURA Akio (箕浦暁雄):The commentator Sthiramati who engaged in dialogue
with Vasubandhu
Martin DELHEY: Sthiramati’s identity: With special reference to the gotra problem
KITSUKAWA Tomoaki (橘川智昭): On the formation of views of Sthiramati in East
Asia: With a focus on his links with Paramārtha
MORO Shigeki (師 茂樹): Quotations from Sthiramati’s commentary on the Abhidharmakośa¬bhāṣya in East Asian works and their reception in Japan
ITŌ Yasuhiro (伊藤康裕): On distinctive features of Sthiramati to be seen in
the Ta-sheng Chung-kuan Shih-lun 大乗中観釈論
〈Symposium II〉
LU Qin: Chinese character encoding beyond borders
Lee COLLINS: Preservation of traditional Vietnamese writing in the digital
IKEDA Shōju (池田証寿): The HDIC database project
TAKADA Tomokazu (高田智和): Initiatives for standardizing the encoding of Chinese
characters for administrative use in Japan
SUZUKI Atsushi (鈴木 敦) & SUZUKI Shun’ya (鈴木俊哉): The standardization
of ancient Chinese characters and attendant problems
〈Symposium III〉
ZHAO Jing (趙 晶): An examination of historical material evincing the restoration
of the T‘ang statutes: Focusing on the Ta T‘ang K‘ai-yuan li 大唐開元令
NISHIMOTO Tetsuya (西本哲也): The animal management system as seen from a comparison
of the Japanese and T‘ang statutes on stables and pastures
MARUYAMA Yumiko (丸山裕美子): The movement of people in East Asia and the culture
of the Nara period: With a focus on immigrants from Paekche and Koguryŏ
NISHIMOTO Masahiro (西本昌弘): “National Culture” as seen from East Asia
KAMIKAWA Michio (上川通夫): The turn in Buddhism during the Regency period
〈Symposium IV〉
CHEN Zhenghong (陳 正宏):The discovery and publication of Ryukyuan Chinese
TSUZUKI Akiko (都築晶子): “Reports” (teibun呈文) and textual sources: Another perspective on the early modern history of Ryukyu
TERU Hiroshi (輝 広志): A fresh examination of the national academy in Shuri
SHIMAMURA Kōichi (島村幸一): Compilatory projects undertaken by the Ryukyu government in the first half of the 18th century
〈Asian Art History Session〉
HUANG Xia (黄 夏): On the background to the “northern Ch‘i 北斉 painter” Ts‘ao
Chung-ta’s 曹 仲達 study of painting and his painting style and achievements
as a painter
HAN Bo-kyung (韓 普景): The Ch‘ing period Wan-shou Sheng-tien T‘u-chüan 万寿盛典図巻 and the aims behind their production
ZHAO Yuping (趙 玉萍): On the iconography of a painting of Suigetsu Kannon 水月観音 held by Enshōin 円生院, Nara
WANG Huikai (王 輝錯): Overseas exhibitions of early Japanese art sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs as seen from the perspective of museology: With a focus on the 1953 Exhibition of Japanese Painting and Sculpture that toured the United States
SHIMAO Arata (島尾 新): Muromachi landscape scrolls in the style of Hsia Kuei
夏珪: From the perspective of “East Asia”
〈8th Forum of Japanese and Chinese Scholars on Ancient Chinese History〉
Plenary Session
王 震中 (WANG Zhenzhong): 中國王權的誕生―夏商西周王權研究新的理論視角 (The birth of Chinese kingship: New theoretical perspectives in research on kingship in Xia, Shang, and West Zhou)
藤田勝久 (FUJITA Katsuhisa): 《史記》與出土資料的方法論 (The Shiji and methods for dealing with unearthed materials)
金 秉駿 (KIM Byung-joon): 出土資料是否正確?―與《史記》先秦諸國初期記錄比較 (The narrative structure
of the “Xiongnu Liezhuan” in the Shiji: Consideration of archaeological findings on Xiongnu)
Section I
王 啓發 (WANG Qifa): 從社會史到思想史―侯外廬思想史研究的視野與特色 (From social history to intellectual
history: The horizens and characteristics of Hou Wailu’s research on intellectual
吉澤誠一郎 (YOSHIZAWA Seiichirō): 白鳥庫吉的東洋史學―從史學史來探討 (Shiratori Kurakichi’s research on East Asian history: Observations in terms of the history of historiography)
徐 国利 (XU Guoli): 新考據派史家論宋學與清學及中國現代學術的建立 (Song learning and Qing learning
as seen from modern and contemporary scientific views and the revelation
of their methodology)
西山尚志 (NISHIYAMA Hisashi): 疑古與釋古 (Doubting antiquity and interpreting antiquity)
李 紅岩 (LI Hongyan): 従社會性質出發― 一種主導性的史學方法 (Starting out from social qualities: A leading method in historical studies)
牧角悦子 (MAKIZUMI Etsuko): 文學史這一方法論 (Literary history as a methodology)
仙石知子 (SENGOKU Tomoko): 中國近世小説研究的一個視角 (A perspective on the study of early
modern Chinese fiction)
薛 瑞澤 (XUE Ruize): 民國時期中國文化史研究綜論 (An outline of the study of China’s cultural history during the Republican period)
渡邉義浩 (WATANABE Yoshihiro): 中国貴族制與文化資本論 (China’s aristocracy and the scope
of cultural capital theory)
汪 學群 (WANG Xuequn): 二十世紀八十年代以來中國思想史書寫方法之反思 (Reflections on methods of writing
about China’s intellectual history since the 1980s)
Section II
郝 春文 (HAO Chunwen): 敦煌寫本中形近字同形手書擧例 (A study of characters with similar
stroke patterns in Dunhuang manuscripts)
岸本美緒 (KISHIMOTO Mio): 如何將傳統中國的經濟秩序模式化?―20世紀中葉日本學界的一個嘗試 (How to model the
economic order of traditional China)
陳 峰 (CHEN Feng): 宋代東宮虛化現象探究 (An inquiry into the phenomenon of the transformation
of the Eastern Palace into a nominal entity during the Song)
趙 現海 (ZHAO Xianhai): 二十世紀長城研究范式變遷與時代思潮 (Paradigm changes in 20th-century research on the Great Wall and the Zeitgeist)
小島 毅 (KOJIMA Tsuyoshi): 作爲方法的溝口雄三 (Mizoguchi Yūzō as a method)
高 凱 (GAO Kai): 高敏先生史學思想淺析 (A rudimentary analysis of professor Gao Min’s
ideas about the study of history)
Chairpersons’ Reports:
Symposium I: Sthiramati: Fanct and Fiction (SAKUMA Hidenori 佐久間秀範)
Symposium II: Towards the Construction of a Common Intrastructure for CJK
Ideographs in the Sinographic Cultural Sphere (SHIMODA Masahiro 下田正弘)
Symposium III: Japanese Culture in the Context of East Asia, with a Focus
on the Nara and Heian Periods (ŌTSU Tōru 大津 透)
Symposium IV: Newly Discovered Chinese Sources from the Ryukyus and Rereading Ryukyuan History (TAKATSU Takashi 高津 孝)
Asia Art History Session (NEDACHI Kensuke 根立研介)
8th Forum of Japanese and Chinese Scholars on Ancient Chinese History:
The Methodology of Studying Chinese History (WATANABE Yoshihiro 渡邉義浩)
Kansai Session (abstracts):
Wolfgang SCHAMONI: Traditions of Autobiography in 17th-Century Japan
YOKOCHI Yūko (横地優子): Harṣavardhana and Goddess Cults