一般財團法人東方學會 本文へジャンプ

東  方  學
(Eastern Studies)
                                      ISSN 0495-7199



Tohogaku (Eastern Studies) is a biannual Japanese language journal of the Toho Gakkai introducing its member scholars’ articles on Eastern studies covering such extensive fields as history, religion, thought, literature, language, art and archaeology. It also includes reports on developments in Eastern studies at home and abroad and recollections of the scholarship and personalities of pioneer Japanese scholars in the field of Eastern studies. An English summary is appended to each article.

第一輯 No. 1 ( March 1951)-第99輯 No.99 (2000.1)    ¥1,700 each
第百輯 No. 100 ( July 2000)-第125輯 No.125 (2013.1)  ¥2,200 each
第126輯 No.126 (2013.7) -                ¥2,500 each

out of print: 第一輯 No. 1 ( March 1951)

最新号(第百四十七輯) 令和6(2024)年1月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
三浦秀一 (MIURA Shūichi)王學の浸潤――明朝嘉靖期における科擧論策の朱陸異同論を手掛かりに (The infiltration of Wang Shou-jen’s thought: With reference to discussions of differences between Chu Hsi’s and Lu Chiu-yüan’s ideas presented in discourses and policy essays in the civil service examinations during the Chia-ching era of the Ming dynasty)

高村武幸 (TAKAMURA Takeyuki): 前漢の義渠――張家山三三六号漢墓竹簡「功令」にみえる義渠の記載を手がかりに (I-ch‘ü in the Former Han: Based on a reference to I-ch‘ü in the bamboo-slip “Ordinances on Merit” from Han tomb no. 336 at Chang-chia-shan)

池 麗梅 (CH‘IH Li-mei):「修禅道場碑」に見える天台仏教復興運動の終着点 (The Hsiu-ch‘an Tao-ch‘ang Stele : A monument marking the terminus of the T‘ien-t‘ai Buddhist revival movement in the T‘ang dynasty)

静永 健 (SHIZUNAGA Takeshi):白居易「舊枕故衾誰與共」句の傳播と消滅 (The circulation and disappearance of Po Chü-i’s line “Who will now share with me our old pillow, our old coverlets ?”)

岸本美緒 (KISHIMOTO Mio): 明清時代における改姓と復姓――松江府を中心に (The changing and resumption of family names during the Ch‘ing period : With a focus on Sung-chiang-fu)

○内外東方學界消息 (Notes on Eastern studies at home and abroad):
吉田 豊 (YOSHIDA Yutaka): 帝京大学文化財研究所研究によるアク・ベシム遺跡(キルギス共和国)の発掘調査について (On the excavations of the Ak-Beshim site (Kyrgyzstan) by Teikyō University Research Institute of Cultural Properties)

○令和5年度秋季学術大会講演・シンポジウム発表要旨 (Summaries of lecture and research reports delivered at the Tōhō Gakkai’s 2023 Autumn Meeting):
古井龍介 (FURUI Ryōsuke)、永田知之 (NAGATA Tomoyuki)、張文薰 (CHANG Wen-hsün)、松崎寛子 (MATSUZAKI Hiroko)、八木はるな (YAGI Haruna)、赤松美和子(AKAMATSU Miwako)、明田川聡士 (AKETAGAWA Satoshi)、落合俊典 (OCHIAI Toshinori)、高田時雄 (TAKATA Tokio)、杉本一樹 (SUGIMOTO Kazuki)、林寺正俊 (HAYASHIDERA Masatoshi)

○座談会「学問の思い出」――森安孝夫先生を囲んで (Dr. MORIYASU Takao reminisces on his long life dedicated to the study of Old Uighur history and philology based on multilingual documents from Turfan and Tun-huang, Old Turkic inscriptions in Mongolia, and Chinese literature)
〔出席〕森安孝夫 (MORIYASU Takao)、荒川正晴 (ARAKAWA Masaharu)、吉田豊 (YOSHIDA
     Yutaka)、 松井太 (MATSUI Dai)、中村淳 (NAKAMURA Jun)、杉山清彦 (SUGIYAMA
     Kiyohiko)、赤木崇敏 (AKAGI Takatoshi)

○興膳宏先生追悼録 (In memoriam Dr. KŌZEN Hiroshi):
小南一郎 (KOMINAMI Ichirō)、川合康三 (KAWAI Kōzō)、木津祐子 (KIZU Yūko)

○編輯後記 (editorial note): 渡辺美季 (WATANABE Miki)


 第百四十六輯 令和5(2023)年7月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
今西祐一郎 (IMANISHI Yūichirō): 片仮名版と平仮名版――江戸時代出版の一風景 (Katakana editions and hiragana editions : One aspect of publishing in the Edo period)

金子修一 (KANEKO Shūichi): 『新唐書』巻七〇下・宗室世系下に見る王爵の継承 (The transmission of the rank of prince as seen in the “Tsung-shih Shih-hsi” 2 in the Hsin T‘ang-shu 70B)

馬場紀寿 (BABA Norihisa): 『転法輪経』とアショーカ王 (The Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta and King Aśoka)

○内外東方學界消息 (Notes on Eastern studies at home and abroad):
堀伸一郎 (HORI Shin’ichirō): 第十九回国際仏教学会報告 (Report on the 19th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies)

○座談会「先学を語る」――村上哲見先生 (The late Prof. Dr. MURAKAMI Tetsumi [1930-2022]: Reminiscences on his long life devoted to the study of Chinese literature)
 〔出席〕三浦國雄 (MIURA Kunio)、川合康三 (KAWAI Kōzō)、松尾肇子 (MATSUO Hatsuko)、
     萩原正樹 (HAGIWARA Masaki)、浅見洋二 (ASAMI Yōji)、興膳 宏 (KŌZEN Hiroshi)

○編輯後記 (editorial note): 橋本秀美 (HASHIMOTO Hidemi)


第百四十五輯 令和5(2023)年1月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
船山 徹 (FUNAYAMA Tōru): 失訳仏典『薩婆多毘尼毘婆沙』九巻の漢訳年と漢訳地 (An anonymous Chinese Buddhist translatiuon titled Sa-p‘o-to p‘i-ni p‘i-po-sha (*Sarvastivāda-vinaya-vibhāṣā): Its date and place of translation)

青木龍一 (AOKI Ryūichi): 後漢・魏晋期の国制上における軍の位置づけの変化――将帥への斧鉞授与に注目して (Changes in the position of the army in the constitution of the Later Han and Wei-Chin period)

中 純子 (NAKA Junko): 羯鼓がもたらした音の世界 (A world of sound introduced by the double-ended drum (chieh-ku))

○令和4年度秋季学術大会講演・研究発表要旨 (Summaries of lectures and research report delivered at the Tōhō Gakkai’s 2022 Autumn Meeting): 宮紀子 (MIYA Noriko)、川原秀城 (KAWAHARA Hideki)、金鑫 (CHIN Hsin)

○座談会「学問の思い出」――藤本幸夫先生を囲んで (Prof. FUJIMOTO Yukio [1941- ] reminisces on his long life dedicated to the study of Korean linguistics and Korean textual Studies)
 〔出席〕藤本幸夫 (FUJIMOTO Yukio)、三浦國雄 (MIURA Kunio)、夫馬 進 (FUMA Susumu)、      川原秀城 (KAWAHARA Hideki)、金 文京 (KIM Moonkyong)

○小川裕充先生追悼 (In memoriam Prof. OGAWA Hiromitsu): 板倉聖哲 (ITAKURA Masaaki)

○編輯後記 (editorial note): 三浦秀一 (MIURA Shūichi)

第百四十四輯 令和4(2022)年7月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
桃木至朗 (MOMOKI Shirō): ベトナム・ナムディン省旧時邁社杜氏関係史料初探 (A preliminary study of sources related to the Do family in former Thi Mai village in Nam Dinh province, Vietnam)

渡邉登紀 (WATANABE Toki): 謝恵連「7月7日夜詠牛女詩」について (On Hsieh Hui-lien’s “Poem on the Oxherd and the Weaver Girl Composed on the Night of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Month”)

柿沼陽平 (KAKINUMA Yōhei): 魏晋南北朝時代の仏僧と商人 (Buddhist monks and merchants in the Wei, Chin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties period))

藤井省三 (FUJII Shōzō): 美しい眼の乙女の死とHope――魯迅における『チリコフ選集』翻訳と「酒楼にて」創作をめぐって (The death of a girl with beautiful eyes and Hope: On the translation of The Selevted Works of Chirikov and the writing of In the Wine Shop by Lu Hsün)

○内外学界消息 (Notes on Eastern studies at home and abroad):
金子修一 (KANEKO Shūichi):「賜吐蕃宰相尚結賛書」三首について (On three letters sent to the Tibetan prime minister Shang rgyal tshan)

斎藤 明 (SAITŌ Akira): 国際中観研究ワークショップ (The International Workshop on Madhyamaka Studies)

○座談会「先学を語る」――尾崎雄二郎先生 (The late Prof. OZAKI Yūjirō [1926-2006]: Reminiscences on his long life devoted to the study of Chinese language)
 〔出席〕小南一郎 (KOMINAMI Ichirō)、高田時雄 (TAKATA Tokio)、木田章義 (KIDA Akiyoshi)、
    平田昌司 (HIRATA Shōji)、森賀一恵 (MORIGA Kazue)

○村上哲見先生追悼 (In memoriam Prof. Dr. MURAKAMI Tetsumi): 浅見洋二 (ASAMI Yōji)

○編輯後記 (editorial note): 浅見洋二 (ASAMI Yōji)

 第百四十三輯  令和4(2022)年1月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
鶴間和幸 (TSURUMA Kazuyuki): 秦漢人物史研究と『風俗通義』姓氏篇 (The study of biographies of people of the Ch‘in-Han period and the “Hsing-shih” chapter of the Feng-su t‘ung-i)

西尾和子 (NISHIO Kazuko): 日本における『太平廣記』受容の展開――『太平廣記』の日本伝来時期を中心として (Developments in the reception of the T‘ai-p‘ing kuang-chi in Japan: With a focus on the date of its arrival in Japan)

瀬戸 宏 (SETO Hiroshi): 曹禺『雷雨』魯大海の形象について (The image of Lu Ta-hai in Ts‘ao Yü’s Thunderstorm)

小沼孝博 (ONUMA Takahiro): ムザルト峠を越えて――天山南北交通史序説 (Crossing Muzart Pass: An introductory study on the history of north-south transportation across the T‘ien-shan Mountains)

○内外東方学界消息 (Notes on Eastern studies at home and abroad)

菅野博史 (KANNO Hiroshi): 近年の日本・中国の仏教学の交流について (Exchange in Buddhist studies in recent years between Japan and China)

○第40回東方学会賞発表 (Announcement of the 40th Tōhō Gakkai Award (2021))
○令和3年度秋季学術大会講演・シンポジウム発表要旨 (Summaries of lecture and research reports delivered at the Tōhō Gakkai’s 2021 Autumn Meeting): 大津 透 (ŌTSU Tōru)、菅野博史 (KANNO Hiroshi)、斎藤 明 (SAITŌ Akira)、横手 裕 (YOKOTE Yutaka)、三浦秀一 (MIURA Shūichi)、付 晨晨 (FU Ch‘en-ch‘en)、戸川貴行 (TOGAWA Takayuki)、岡部毅史 (OKBE Takeshi)、河上麻由子 (KAWAKAMI Mayuko)

○座談会「先学を語る」――澤田瑞穂先生 (The late Prof. SAWADA Mizuho [1912-2002]: Reminiscences on his long life devoted to the study of Chinese literature)
〔出席〕岡崎由美 (OKAZAKI Yumi)、寺村政男 (TERAMURA Masao)、増子和夫 (MASUKO
   Kazuo)、稲畑耕一郎 (INAHATA Kōichirō)

○中根千枝先生追悼 (In memoriam Prof. NAKANE Chie): 伊藤亜人 (ITŌ Abito)、清水 展 (SHIMIZU Hiromu)

○原実先生追悼 (In memoriam Prof. Dr. HARA Minoru): 土田龍太郎 (TSUCHIDA Ryūtarō)

○武田幸男先生追悼 (In memoriam Prof. Dr. TAKEDA Yukio): 大井 剛 (OOI Takeshi)

○編輯後記 (editorial note): 片山 剛 (KATAYAMA Tsuyoshi)

 第百四十二輯 令和3(2021)年7月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
長堀祐造 (NAGAHORI Yūzō): 瞿秋白「『魯迅雑感選集』序言」の位相――「魯迅解釈権」をめぐる毛沢東の暗闘 (The position of Ch‘u Ch‘iu-pai’s “Preface to Selected Essays of Lu Hsün”: Mao Tse-tung’s secret feud about the right to interpret Lu Hsün)

王孫涵之 (WANG-SUN Han-chih):『礼記子本疏義』分巻考――清家『礼記』証本の義疏巻数記号を手掛かりとして (Fascicle divisions in the Li-chi tzu-pen shu-i: With reference to sigla for the fascicle numbers of commentaries in the Kiyohara family’s copy of the Li-chi)

宮崎展昌 (MIYAZAKI Tenshō): 金刻大蔵経の現存版本にみえる契丹蔵からの影響について――高麗蔵再彫本に残された注記を手がかりとして (On the influence of the Khitan canon seen in the extant edition of the Chin canon: With reference to glosses preserved in the second Koryŏ edition of the Chinese Buddhist canon)

中島楽章 (NAKAJIMA Gakushō): 十六世紀の南島航路――『日本図纂』を中心に (The navigation route linking the Southwestern Islands of Japan in the sixteenth century: A reexamination of the rout recorded in the Jih-pen t‘u-tsuan)

○座談会「先学を語る」――有光教一先生 (The late Prof. Dr. ARIMITSU Kyōichi (1907‒2011): Reminiscences on his long life devoted to the study of Korean archaeology)
〔出席〕西谷 正 (NISHITANI Tadashi)、東 潮 (AZUMA Ushio)、小南一郎 (KOMINAMI
   Ichirō)、吉井秀夫 (YOSHII Hideo)、鄭 喜斗 (CHŎNG Hŭi-tu)

○武内紹人先生追悼 (In memoriam Prof. Dr. TAKEUCHI Tsuguhito): 吉田 豊 (YOSHIDA Yutaka)

○編輯後記 (editorial note): 谷口 洋 (TANIGUCHI Hiroshi) )

 第百四十一輯 令和3(2021)年1月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
赤松明彦 (AKAMATSU Akihiko): バルトリハリのある詩節をめぐる思想史的考察 (What do the verses of Bhartṛhari say philosophically and historically?)

宋 晗 (SUNG Han):「詠懷詩」における回想の手法 (Techniques of retrospection in the “Yung-huai shih”)

金 鑫 (CHIN Hsin): 西魏・北周の「大誥體」について――その文体改革の意図および文学史における位置 (A study of the “Ta-kao” style of prose of the Western Wei and Northern Chou dynasties: The underlying intention behind its apparent stylistic reform and its position in the history of Chinese literature)

平 燕紅 (P‘ING Yen-hung): 義天録所載の『華厳経疏』及び『妙理円成観』の作者について (The author of the Commentary on the Avataṃsaka Sūtra and the Miao-li yüan-ch‘eng kuan recorded in the I-t‘ien lu)

遠藤総史 (ENDŌ Satoshi): 宋代の朝貢と翻訳――南の海域世界との関係を中心に (Tribute and translation during the Sung period: With a focus on the maritime world to the south)

○第39回令和元年度東方学会賞発表 (Announcement of the 39th Tōhō Gakkai Award (2020))

○令和2年度秋季学術大会講演・研究発表要旨 (Summaries of lectures and research reports delivered at the Tōhō Gakkai’s 2020 Autumn Meeting): 稲葉 穰 (INABA Minoru)、岸本美緒 (KISHIMOTO Mio)、山下洋平(YAMASHITA Yōhei)、川村悠人 (KAWAMURA Yūto)、早川太基 (HAYAKAWA Taiki) 

○座談会「学問の思い出」――小林忠先生を囲んで (Prof. KOBAYASHI Tadashi reminisces on his long life devoted to the study of the history of Edo painting)
〔出席〕小林 忠 (KOBAYASHI Tadashi)、神谷 浩 (KAMIYA Hiroshi)、内藤正人 (NAITŌ
   Masato)、荒川正明 (ARAKAWA Masaaki)、松島 仁 (MATSUSHIMA Jin)、村田隆志
    (MURATA Takashi)

○編輯後記 (editorial note): 松井太 (MATSUI Dai)
