一般財團法人東方學會 本文へジャンプ

 Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

 No. 20 (Published Dec. 1975)

The Twentieth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

HATTORI Shirō (服部四郎): The northwestern coastal Ainus of south Sakhalin

von GABAIN, Annemarie: Introduction to the knowledge of Central Asia: Problems and methods

Research Reports:

KILEY, Cornelius J.: Konden eitai shizai hō 懇田永代私財法: Private property in the landed estates in ancient Japan

CALDWELL, John S.: The fomation of nationalist thought in the Philippines in the latter half of the nineteenth century: The dual nature of Roman Catholicism as a colonial great tradition

PLUTSCHOW, Herbert: Some characteristics of medieval Japanese travel diaries

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

VICTORIA, Ryōjun: Zen master Dōgen’s 道元 views on precepts, sexual equality, and karma as expressed in Shōbō-genzō 正法眼蔵: With reflections on their contemporary significance

HABITO, Ruben L. F.: The Tathāgatagarbha school as a background of the Tendai-Hongaku 天台本覚 school (of Japanese Buddhism)

LISHKA, Dennis: The English translation of Buddhist texts: Kinds, various problems, aesthetics, and an exemplary translation of the Hannya-shin-gyō 般若心経

KUBOSE, Sunnan K.: Psychological aspects of Zen 禅 meditation

FOREMAN, Burton V.: A reappraisal of the Tachikawa sect (立川流)

BORGEN, Robert: Sugawara no Michizane 菅原道真: The poet as politician

WETZLER, Peter M.: Yoshishige Yasutane 慶滋保胤 (?‒997)

CARY, Otis: The sparing of Kyoto: 1945

HASTINGS, Sally A.: The workers, the union and the nation: A study of a Tokyo ward, 1919‒1923

HUNG Shun-lung (洪 順隆): On the social status of Hsieh T‘iao’s 謝朓 ancestors

BRYANT, Daniel: The landscape painters Tung Yüan 董源 and Chü-jan 巨然 in Sung 宋 dynasty literature

CHENG Cheng-hao (鄭 正浩): On the Mohist (墨家) view of kuei-shen 鬼神 (spiritual being)

KOHL, Stephen W.: Imagery and parallelism in the Man’yōshū 万葉集

TSUBAKI, Andrew T.: Asian theatre programs in U.S. colleges and universities

NEWTON, Michael C.: Problems in Morita 森田 therapy

PICKEN, Stuart D. B.: Contrasting views of death in India, Europe and Japan

DAVIS, Glenn Doyle: The Japanese attitude toward insects

CHOI Kil-sung (崔 吉城): The symbolization of the supernatural in Korean shamanism

MOTAMEDI, Haruko T.: Some characteristics of the Kapisi school of the Kushan art discovered at Khom Zargar near Begram, Afghanistan

Summary of the Lectures at the Kansai District:

JEON, Sang-woon (全 相運): The development of traditional science in Korea

DISKUL, M. C. Subhadradis: Classical arts in Thailand

Seminar I: “Modern Japanese Literature Viewed from the Outside”

FUKASAWA, Margaret: Kitahara Hakushū’s 北原白秋 early poetry

JEWEL, Mark: A comparative study of translations of Sōseki 漱石 and Mishima 三島

TURNEY, Alan: Categories in Japanese literature, viewed from the standpoint of English literature

SAEKI Shōichi (佐伯彰一) & SEIDENSTICKER, Edward: Discussants’ comments

IKEDA Tadashi (池田 重): Report on the discussion

Seminar II: “New Approaches to Tokugawa History”

TOBY, Ronald P.: Seventeenth century Japanese diplomacy and the structure of the Japanese world order

ERICSON, Mark D.: Victor’s justice in the Meiji Restoration: The execution of Oguri Kōzuke-no-suke 小栗上野介

KANAI Madoka (金井 圓): Chairman’s comment

Seminar III: “Transformation of Chinese Communities under the Western Impact”

SHIRAISHI Takashi (白石 隆): The straits Chinese reform movement in Singapore: 1896‒1906

HAYFORD, Charles W.: Professions and social change in China, 1896‒1937

ETŌ Shinkichi (衞藤瀋吉) & BANNO Masataka (坂野正高): Chairmen’s comment

 No. 19 (Published Dec. 1974)

The Nineteenth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

CIESLIK, Hubert, S. J.: The annual reports of the Jesuits in the 16th and 17th centuries and their historical value

HIBINO Takeo (日比野丈夫): Chinese in Batavia during the mid-18th century

Research Reports:

KIYOTA, Minoru (清田 実): Yogācarā impact on Pure Land

JAN Yün-hua (冉 雲華): Two problems concerning Tsung-mi’s 宗密 compilation of Ch‘an-tsang 禅藏

NADOLSKI, Thomas P.: The Ōmoto 大本 suppressions of 1921 and 1935

BEICHMAN, Janine: Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規: The first modern haiku 俳句 poet

BURKMAN, Thomas W.: Japan’s response to the formation of the League of Nations

McDONALD, Angus: The urban origins of rural revolution in Hunan 湖南

JENNER, Gerd: The place of Japanese in general linguistics

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

HABITO, Ruben L. F.: Buddha and dhamma in Pāli scriptures

REIMAN, Carl Walden: Gyōnen’s 凝然 Hasshūkengaku 八宗兼学 and its philosophical assumptions

LIN Ch‘uan-fang (林 傳芳): The orthodox and heterodox of Chinese belief in Maitreya

MERRILL, Sally: Contrasting concepts of self in the thought of Thoreau and Zen 禅 Buddhism

KEENE, Dennis: The anti-worlds of Kurahashi Yumiko 倉橋由美子

HERRING, Ann K.: The peachling in print: Some notes on the role of Momotarō 桃太郎 in Japanese literature and publishing culture from the Edo period to the present

HUNG Shun-lung (洪 順隆): 謝朓の作品に現われた「危惧感」 (‘Sense of uneasiness’ as expressed in Hsieh T‘iao’s works)

BRYANT, Daniel: The ‘Hsieh Hsin En’ 謝新恩 fragments of Li Yü 李煜 and the two versions of his tz‘u 詞 on the melody ‘Lin Chiang Hsien’ 臨江仙

STRICKMANN, Michel: A Taoist confirmation of Liang Wu-ti’s 梁武帝 proscription of Taoism

IMMOOS, Thomas: The Midnight Sun: A religious and literary topos in East and West

FISHER, Jerry K.: Men not structures: A study of the Protestant ethic as reflected in the lives and thought of Nakamura Keiu 中村敬宇 and Tanaka Shōzō 田中正造

CHANG, Richard T.: The question of unilateral denunciation in Meiji Japan

LIM Soo Kong: Japanese image of foreign countries: East and Southeast Asia

KOELLREUTTER, Hans J.: The music of the East and the music of the West: Will they meet or diverge?

PICKEN, Stuart D.: A philosophical comparison between two cultural typologies of suicide

Research Report and Summary at the Kansai District:

ROBBINS, Michael: The inland Fukien tea industry, Five Dynasties to the Opium war

GOLDBLATT, Howard C.: Hsiao Hung’s 蕭紅 position in modern Chinese fiction

 No. 18 (Published Dec. 1973)

The Eighteenth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

NAGAO Gadjin (長尾雅人): Various views on the Buddha-body

SEIDENSTICKER, Edward: Mishima’s 三島 The Sea of Fertility (豊饒の海)

Research Reports:

BLUSSÉ, Leonard: The Dutch occupation of the Pescadores (澎湖群島) (1622‒1624)

ROBERT, Jean-Nöel: The perfect doctrine (engyō 円教) as seen in the “Tendai shikyō-gi”天台四教儀

ROBSON, Bruce: Turkish theatre as a vehicle for social comment, 1960‒68: The plays of Cahit Atay

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

EDER, Matthias: The cultural history of the Japanese farmhouse

DEBERGH, Minako: Some consideration about two paintings of the Virgin, typical Christian relics in Japan

KEENE, Dennis: Portrait of a thought criminal: Yokomitsu Riichi 横光利一 and Ryoshū 旅愁

TAEUSCH, Carl F.: Ozaki Kōyō 尾崎紅葉 and the Meiji hero

SHUMWAY, Larry V.: Kibigaku 吉備楽: A music tradition which successfully merges gagaku 雅楽 and popular musical elements

KENRICK, Douglas Moore: The centenary of the Asiatic Society of Japan

HOLZMAN, Marie: Liu Zhen 劉楨, Chinese poet of the Wei 魏 dynasty: His work and the story of his life

SCHNEIDER, Richard: Personality of Chen Hou-zhou 陳後主, last emperor of the Chen dynasty, compared with Sui Yang-di 隋煬帝, his homologue

OKADA, Dennis Shōji: Some aspects of Japanese emigration

VERWILGHEN, Albert Felix: Changes in the attitude of the population of Daikonshima 大根島 (Shimane prefecture)

HAVENS, Thomas R. H.: Agrarianism and nationalism in modern Japan

MOORE, Ray A.: War, defeat and culture: Japan’s postwar experience

LUHMER, Klaus: University reform in Japan viewed in international perspective

LIANG Tao-wei (梁 道蔚): Investigation into some points of the Sāmkhya-kārikā (or the memorial versus of the Sāmkhya-philosophical doctrine)

YEH Ah-yüeh (葉 阿月): The meaning of the four errorless realities in the Vijñānavādin school

HOFFMAN, Yeol: A comparison of the concept of substance in the philosophy of Spinoza with the concept of Tathagata in the Awakening of Faith

KASHFI, S. Abul Khair: Political and historical events and thoughts in Urdu poetry before 1707 A.D.

ABBAS, Raouf: The Coptic community in Egypt (1882‒1914)

SPARLING, Kathryn W.: Search for the absolute in Natsume Sōseki’s 夏目漱石 Yōkyoshū 漾虚集

GISH, Jr., George W.: Some unexplored areas of biwa 琵琶 history

Summary of the Reports at the Kansai District:

PETERSON, Charles A.: The evolution of Southern Sung policy upon the Mongol invasion of North China

LU Wei-luan (盧 瑋鑾): 豊子愷随筆中之「児童相」 (Feng Tzu-k‘ai’s “spirit of innocence” as seen through his essays)


 No. 17 (Published Jan. 1973)

The Seventeenth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

TSUJI Naoshirō (辻 直四郎): The characteristics of Sanskrit literature

FRANK, Bernard: Some remarks concerning the study of “oni ”鬼

Research Reports:

LEBRA, Joyce C.: Japan and the genesis of the Burma Independence Army

KEEN, Dennis: Flaubert and Yokomitsu 横光: Dose stylistic influence take place?

HOFFMAN, Yoel: The concept of “object” and the concept of “self ” in the philosophy of David Hume and Hinayana Buddhism

ALVARES, José M. Afonso: An analysis of Fernão Mendes Pinto’s Peregrinaçam

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

HSÜ Hsien-yao (徐 先堯): 倭国から隋に贈った国書の問題点 (Some problems on the official letters of state sent to Sui China from Japan)

GROSSBERG, Kenneth A.: Aspect of government in Japan during the Muromachiperiod

The shipbuilding industry in the Meiji period

STONE, Alan: The Ashio 足尾 copper mine pollution case as a key to the ideology of agrarian fundamentalism

PHILLIPS, James M.: Christians and society in modern Japan (1945‒1972)

EDER, Matthias: The concept of “folk religion” in Japan

ZOLBROD, Leon M.: Talking poetry: Buson’s 蕪村 views on the art of haiku 俳句

VERWILGHEN, Albert F.: Nakae Tōju 中江藤樹 and the philosophy of responsibility

VALLES, J. Gonzalez: Japanese morality according to Nishimura Shigeki 西村茂樹 (1828‒1902)

BINKENSTEIN, R.: Japanese toponymy

MORAN, Joseph F.: “The true spoken language of Japan”: The views of João Rodriguez (16th‒17th century Jesuit missionary) on the Japanese language of his time

KOELLREUTTER, Hans J.: The music of the Orient and the music of the Occident, expression of different attitudes of consciousness

CHAE Taeg-su (蔡 沢洙): 韓国仏教宗派の成立と消長について (The rise and fall of Buddhist sects in Korea)

DUQUENNE, Robert: Sanshakubō Gongen 三尺坊権現, an aspect of Fudō Myō-ō 不動明王

PRASAD, Chandra Shekhar: Vibhajyavāda: An examination into its identity as a separate school

NGUYEN, Khac-kham: Vietnamese names and their peculiarities

DeWOSKIN, Kenneth: Sou-shen-chi 捜神記: A search for history and fiction

BADY, Paul: The fate of a Chinese novelist: Lao She’s 老舎 suicide

COHEN, Jerome Alan: Negotiating with new China: 1955 versus 1972

Research Report and Summary at the Kansai District:

WATSON, Burton: 六朝の詩における擬人法について (Personification in the Six Dynasties poetry)

HO P‘eng (何 朋): 晩清文学 (Literature of late Ch‘ing)

 No. 16 (Published Jan. 1972)

The Sixteenth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures:

HALL, John Whitney: Thirty years of Japanese studies in America

MIYOSHI Yukio (三好行雄): The modernization of Japan and literature

Research Reports:

KEENE, Dennis: The Shinkankakuha 新感覚派: A Japanese literary movement of the nineteen twenties

WIVELL, Charles J.: The Chinese oral and pseudo-oral narrative traditions

BERTHIER, François: Divers problèmes concernant la statuette en bronze doré datée de l’an Hinoe-Tora 丙寅, appartenant au groupe statuaire dit 《les 48 Buddha》

TETERS, Barbara: Freedom of the press in the 26th Century

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

SIORIS, George A.: Japanese and Greek mythology: An attempt at comparison

ALEGRE, Edilberto N.: Ueda Akinari’s 上田秋成 concept of literature

HOFF, Frank P.: Dance and its words: Translation for a new age

The concept of 法 in the thought of Nishi Amane 西周

MINEAR, Richard H.: The Japanese people and their Diet members: A study of role images

BOWEN, Roger W.: The Narita 成田 struggle: An analysis of current protest based upon student and farmer ankēto (anquête)

PRASAD, Chandra Shekhar: Logic behind allowing meat-eating and prohibiting it in Buddhism

LIANG Tao-wei (梁 道蔚): Contemplation of mind in three aspects

KIM Ji-kyun (金 知見): 「釈華厳教分記円通鈔」 異本考――和本・宋本の背景をめぐって (On variants of the Shih Hua-yen-chiao fen-chi yüan-t‘ung ch‘ao)

YEH Ah-yüeh (葉 阿月): The characteristics of the theory of śūnyatā in the Vijñānavādin school

MAREGA, Don Mario: The Nakatomi harai 中臣祓 and the remben 蓮弁 at the Tōdai-ji 東大寺 temple

HERBERT, Penelope A.: Chang Chiu-ling’s 張九齢 views on the selection of officials for the T‘ang 唐 dynasty bureaucracy

OWEN, Stephen: The poetry of the Han Yü 韓愈 circle

LIANG, Meng-hui (梁 夢廻): 小説「樵史演義」について(On the Ming fiction Ch‘iao-shih yen-i )

ALVARES, José M. Afonso: Early historical relations between Portugal and Japan

RUMMEL, Charles: An identification of a comparative cross-cultural study of stone

NGUYEN Khac-kham: Vietnamese fishermen in some coastal villages of central Vietnam: Their specific religious beliefs, worships and taboos

GLÜCK, Jay: The Qashgai nomads of Fārs

Summary of the Research Report at the Kansai District:

WELCH, Holmes H.: The progressive Chinese Buddhist interpretation of 不殺生 [“one should not kill living things”]

 No. 15 (Published Jan. 1971)

The Fifteenth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Research Reports:

FODELLA, Gianni: The economic ideas of Fukuzawa Yukichi 福沢諭吉

WAYMAN, Alex: Guhyasamājatantra: Reflections on the word and its meaning

BOSCARO, Adriana: New documents on the first Japanese mission to Europe

NGUYEN, Khac-kham: Annual celebration of rice cultivation in Vietnam

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

RADIN, Robert B.: The rice riots of 1918: Social crisis in Taishō 大正 Japan

BOYLE, John H.: Sino-Japanese collaborators during the ‘China incident’: Puppets or peacemakers ?

FALCONERI, G. Ralph: Japanese reactions to the Kuomintang revolution: The approaches of barons Shidehara Kijūrō 幣原喜重郎 and Tanaka Giichi 田中義一

YANG Hsing-t‘ing (楊 杏庭): 錦州をめぐる国共争奪戦 (The campaign of Chin-chou between the Nationalists’ forces and the Communists’)

GASSTER, Michael: Chinese reactions to events in Russia, 1917-1924, with special reference to the impact upon Chinese intellectuals of the October (Bolshevik) revolution

YU, Lydia N.: Possible effects of the legalization of the Communist Party of the Philippines on Philippine elections

STARGARDT, Janice: Diplomatic concepts and practice in medieval Burma

STARGARDT, A. W.: The conceptual bases of diplomacy in contemporary countries of South East Asia

BEY, Arifin: The search for national consensus: A case study of Indonesia

KIM Ji-kyun (金 知見): 「寄海東書」について (On “Chi hai tung shu”)

LANCASTER, Lewis R.: An analysis of the Chinese translations of the Astasā- hasrikāprajñāpāramitāsūtra

HAZARD, Benjamin H.: The impact of Japanese raiders on 14th-century Koryŏ 高麗

SHAH, Modaser: Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武蔵 and bushidō 武士道

VALOTA, Alessandro: Arai Hakuseki 新井白石 and the West: An analysis of the Seiyō kibun 西洋紀聞

JONES, Hazel J.: Foreign advisers in the Meiji government

MARSHALL, Byron K.: The establishment intellectual in Meiji Japan

VERWILGHEN, Albert Felix: The Buddhist studies of Aime Villion: Why his manuscripts have remained unpublished

GLÜCK, Jay: Restoring Narenjestan Palace, Shiraz: Personal reflections on problems of restoration and “culture conflict”

KENRICK, Douglas Moore: Links between the Daruma of the Zen 禅 Buddhist religion and the Daruma of folk toys and superstitions

HOFF, Frank Paul: The flexibility of performance areas in the festival at Nishiura 西浦

LIU Chi-wan (劉 枝萬): 中国に於ける龍船競渡の本質について (On the nature of the dragon-boat race in China)

FAIRCHILD, William P.: Shinto deities, shrines and godseats

CRANSTON, Edwin A.: Water-plant imagery in the Man’yōshū 万葉集

ALEGRE, Edilberto N.: The achievement of Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 in Harusame monogatari 春雨物語

AMADEI, Riccardo: Influences and continuation of ancient court and traditional Japanese music in the works of modern Japanese composers

LIANG Tao-wei (梁 道蔚): A comparative study of the I-ching 易経 and Buddhism

CHAVES, Jonathan: The poetry of Mei Yao-ch‘en 梅堯臣 (1002‒1060)

HOYT, James: Songs of the dragons (龍飛御天歌): A fifteenth-century epic

Reseach Report and Summary at the Kansai District:

KERAMETLI, Can: Some masterpieces of the Turkish archaeological finds

LIN Wen-yüeh (林 文月): 遊仙詩より山水詩へ――郭璞と謝霊運を主として (From supernature poetry to landscape poetry, with special reference to Kuo P‘u and Hsieh Ling-yün)

 No. 14 (Published Dec. 1969)

The Fourteenth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Research Reports:

LENSEN, George A.: Japanese recognition of the U.S.S.R

JOHNSON, Erwin H. & JOHNSON, Anastasia: Rural social structure and Japanese urbanization

LEONG, Sow-Theng: Sun Yat-sen 孫逸仙 and the Bolsheviks

WILKINSON, Endymion: The nature of Chinese grain price quotations, 1600‒1900

KIYOTA, Minoru (清田 実): Buddhism and social change in Southeast Asia

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

McWILLIAMS, Wayne C.: The political thought of Soejima Taneomi 副島種臣, Japanese Foreign Minister, 1871‒1873

CHAMBERLAIN, Gordon B.: The Franco-Japanese entente and loan of 1907

LINHART, Sepp: The frontier spirit of Hokkaidō: Illusion and reality

KIM Jung-joo (金 正柱): The new focal point of the Korean-Japanese cultural exchange: On the scope of the Korean cultures introduced to Japan

PARK Chun-seok (朴 春錫): 新羅末期の対日交渉について――特に来日新羅人を中心に (On the relations between the Silla dynasty and Japan during the former’s last stage: Especially centering on the Silla people who came to Japan)

NGUYỄN, Khắc-kham: Influence of Old Chinese on the Vietnamese language

KIM Ji-kyun (金 知見): 新羅九山禅門考 (A study of Zen sects advocated by nine temples during the Silla dynasty)

LIANG Tao-wei (梁 道蔚): A discussion on cognition and time in the Abhidharma Nyāyānusāra Śāstra

CHU, Harold S.: A structural analysis of Okura’s 憶良 long songs in the Man’yōshū 万葉集

TCHEREVKO, Cyrill E.: On the problem of the linguistic levels in the early written Japanese

ALEGRE, Edilberto N.: The achievement of Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 in Ugetsu monogatari 雨月物語

HRDLIČKOVÁ, Vena: The dramatis personae of the traditional rakugo 落語 tales

Le NESTOUR, Patrick: Aesthetic and musicological aspects of time and movement in some main forms of Japanese theatre

IWAO Seiichi (岩生成一): Japanese emigrants in Batavia during the 17th century

Summary of the Report at the Kansai District:

MARNEY, John: A criticism of the kung-t‘i 宮体 poetry of Liang Chien-wen ti 梁簡文帝

 No. 13 (Published Sep. 1968)

The Thirteenth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Research Reports:

WEINSTEIN, Martin E.: The origins and basic conception of Japan’s postwar defense policy

HRDLIČKOVÁ, Vena: The zenza 前座, the storyteller’s apprentice

BROWN, Delmer M.: Buddhist salvation and imperial rule

WANG Yü-te (王 育徳): 「十五音」について (On Shih-wu-yin or Fifteen Initial Sounds)

HARTWELL, Robert M.: Classical Chinese monetary analysis and economic policy in T‘ang-Northern Sung China

BRAISTED, William R.: China, the United States and the Bethlehem Steel Company, 1909-1929

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

MELICHAR, Herbert: “Was the Meiji Restoration inevitable? ”: A study on phenome- nology and periodization of history

VISHWANATHAN, Savitri: Japan as a beneficiary of the Soviet-American conflict 1945‒1952

SISSONS, D. C. S.: Australia and Japan at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919

FISHER, Jerry K.: Sakatani Rōro 阪谷朗廬 and the Meirokusha 明六社

PACKING, Willie John: Survey of teacher education in Japan

KOMAROVSKII, George E.: Studies of Japanese history in the USSR

MAREGA, Don Mario: The oldest Buddhist ceremonies in Japan: The shu’nie 修二会 ceremonies

FAIRCHILD, William P.: The philosophical and religious meaning of pottery in old Japan

.SU Ch‘en-shen (蘇 振申): 永楽大典の研究より見た中国典籍の整理 (On arrangement of Chinese classics suggested through the study of Yung-le ta- tien)

YEH Ah-yüeh (葉 阿月): The theory of the three natures in the Madhyānta-vibhāga- bhāsya

LIANG Tao-wei (梁 道蔚): On the six Asamskrta dharmas

HASHIMOTO, Anne Yue: A note on the imperative in Chinese

TCHEREVKO, Cyrill E.: 古事記を中心とする和文成立に対する一般言語学的アプローチ―― ソ連における日本語研究の一端について (A general linguistic approach to the formation of Japanese language centering around the Kojiki : An aspect of the study of Japanese language in USSR)

LIU Wen-hsien (劉 文献): The result of reconstruction of the Han stone classic “I-li” (漢石経儀禮)

KAIZUKA Shigeki (貝塚茂樹): The city-states of ancient China

Research Report and Summary at the Kansai District:

SIVIN, Nathan: Chinese alchemy as a science (錬丹術史窺管)

CRAIG, Albert M.: A comparison: The Meiji state and modernization in Asia today

 No. 12 (Published Sep. 1967)

The Twelfth International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Research Reports:

DUNN, Charles James: Comparative dramatics and Japanese dramatic history

de BARY, Wm. Theodore: Individualism in Ming 明 thought

KÜMMEL, Peter: Ideography: Function of voluntary expression

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

BINS, Dirk:Lieutenant-colonel Ishihara Kanji 石原莞爾 and the new look in strategy

SONAM Gyatso (Bsod-nams-rgya-mtsho): The position of the Sa-skya-pa sect in Tibetan Buddhism

HAWKES, David: The quest of the goddess

SPECTOR, Stanley:The problem of orientation and Westernization in modern Chinese history

Research Report and Summary at the Kansai District:

HAWKES, David: Chinese influence in European drama

MAY, Jacques: 『法宝義林』――過去の遺産と将来の展望 (Le Hōbōgirin: héritage du passé, perspectives d’avenir)

YANG Ch‘i-ch‘iao (楊 啓樵): 明の嘉靖朝に於ける政争と道教 (Political strife during the Chia-ching period of the Ming dynasty and Taoism)

 No. 11 (Published Dec. 1966)

The Eleventh International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures Summarized:

WEI Hui-lin (衛 恵林): On the tribal totemism in Eastern Asia

EGAMI Namio (江上波夫): On the form and decoration of Nestorian tombstones discovered in East Asia

Research Reports:

CHENG Ch‘ing-mao (鄭 清茂): 永井荷風と漢文学 (Nagai Kafū and Chinese literature)

SHENDGE, Malati J.: The literary forms of tantras

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

YANG Hsing-t‘ing (楊 杏庭): The peace-loving tendency of the Han Chinese race

CHANG Man-t‘ao (張 曼涛): Sudden and gradual enlightenment in Chinese Buddhist thought

I Tao-t‘ien (易 陶天): An attempt to examine the inner logical connections of the dialectical development from the Buddhist traditional doctrine of the Satya-in-Duplication being transmitted and maintained by Nāgārjuna to the T‘ien-t‘ai 天台 Buddhist doctrine of the Satya-in-Triplication being created and advocated by Chih-i 智顗 on the inquiring about the eighteenth verse in the chapter 24, entitled Viewing the Four Noble Truths of Nāgārjuna’s Mādhyamika-śāstra

FAIRCHILD, William P.: Pottery in Japanese religion

PAUSEWANG, Gothild: Traditional country theatre in Japan

de VERA, Jose M.: The influence of television on the changing family system of Japan

KUSANO Yasushi (草野 靖): On the monopoly of tea-leaves and salt in east-south district of China and circulation of paper money during Ch‘ien-tao 乾道 and Ch‘un-hsi 淳煕 eras in the Southern Sung dynasty

OKADA Hidehiro (岡田英弘): Life of Dayan Qaɣan

Special Lectures Summarized:

AKATSUKA Kiyoshi (赤塚 忠): An attempt to restore the original state of how “Shang-ti” 上帝 was worshipped in the time of the Yin 殷 dynasty

O’NEILL, P. G.: The literary content of 能

Research Reports and Summary at the Kansai District:

CH‘EN Shih-hsiang (陳 世驤): Early Chinese concepts of poetry

KAIZUKA Shigeki (貝塚茂樹): On the land system of ancient China