一般財團法人東方學會 本文へジャンプ

 Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

 No. 30 (Published Feb. 1986)

The 30th International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

LANCIOTTI, Lionello: Some terminological observations about Tun-huang pienwen 敦煌変文

ENOKI Kazuo (榎 一雄): A historical survey of Chih-kung-t‘u 職貢図 or painted scrolls of portraits of envoys from “barbarian countries”

Research Reports (full text):

MÁRKUS, Kinga: The wars between the Sasanian Iran and the Imperial Rome and their legendary interpretation in Firdausi’s Shāhnāme

GEORGE, Timothy S.: Early Meiji private draft constitutions by the Ōmeisha 嚶鳴社 and the Kyōzon Dōshū 共存同衆

MANN, Susan: Historical change in female biography from Song 宋 to Qing 清 times: The case of early Qing Jiangnan 江南 (Jiangsu 江蘇 and Anhui 安徽 provinces)

HUSZCZA, Romuald: Polysystemism and co-systemism in Far Eastern languages as a problem of linguistic structure

ULAK, James T.: The portrait of Ōzora Buzaemon 大空武左衛門: A painting attributed to Watanabe Kazan 渡辺崋山

PESCHARD-ERLIH, Erika: Les peintures des enfers aux époques de Heian (794‒1185) et au début Kamakura (1185‒1333)

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

FOULK, T. Griffith: Towards an institutional history of early Ch‘an 禅 Buddhism

JANG Hwee-ok (章 輝玉): On the application of classifications to the interpretation of the Pure Land sutras in Hui-yüan’s 慧遠 thought

STEVENS, John W.: Yamaoka Tesshū 山岡鐵舟: Champion of Meiji Buddhism

HSIA Ying-yüan (夏 應元): The Japanese monks who visited T‘ang 唐 and Sung 宋 China: What kind of treatment did Ennin 圓仁 and Jōjin 成尋 receive?

MICHEL, Wolfgang: Early Western observations on Eastern medicine and medical thinking during the 16th and 17th centuries

SIRCAR, Asok: Leaders of Asian modernization: Rammohan Roy & Fukuzawa Yukichi 福沢諭吉

SKINNER, G. William: Determinants of longevity among Edo 江戸-period Mino 美濃 villagers

STEELE, M. William: Commoners in the Restoration

METEVELIS, Peter: “To be dead or not to be”

VILLANI, Paolo: The myth of the descent of the heavenly grandchild (Tenson kōrin 天孫降臨): A comparative study

KINMONTH, Earl H.: Militarism and the middle classes in early (1931‒1941) Shōwa 昭和 Japan

OLSZOWSKA-ANASZ, Wanda: “Traditional” and modern elements in corporate personnel administration during the rapid economic growth period (kōdo seichō jidai 高度成長時代) of the 1960s

SUSSMAN, Nan M.: Corporate re-entry: The endpoint of cultural adaptation

AUGUSTINE, Morris J.: The “archeology” of themes of love and romance in Japanese and Western literature: The usefulness of Foucault’s notions of “power” and “atmosphere” as a method in comparative literature

ERICSON, Joan Elaine: Worlds apart?: Women writers in Japan

VARDAMAN, Jr., James M.: Money in Natsume Sōseki’s 夏目漱石 Meian 明暗

GIDDINGS, Jeremy: The emergence of childhood in Japanese literature

THOMPSON, Laurence G.: Who was the real K‘ung Chun-ni 孔仲尼?: A perennial problem in Chinese religion

ALPATOV, Vladimir Mikhailovich: Word and go

STRAYER, Susan: The many faces of Japanese ‘yes’ and ‘no’ or, what’s an nn うん worth?

ESPINO DE VALDIVIA, Isabel: The use of Japanese and Spanish demonstratives: A contrastive study

HALPERN, Jack: Function of kanji 漢字 in modern Japanese: Based on compilation of New Direct-Reading Japanese-English Character Dictionary

SINGH, R.A.: Some problems of dictionary making in tribal languages of India

GRAYBILL, Maribeth: Once again the Satake 佐竹 version of the Thirty-six Immortal Poets 三十六歌仙絵: On the possibility of Nobuzane’s 信実 authorship

NISHIGAMI Minoru (西上 実): On the “compound scence” in travel paintings by Shitao 石濤 (1642‒1707)

O’DONOGHUE, Patrick F.: The Japanese Catholic: Survey of Catholic life in 1982‒83 Japan

HORVATH, Patricia: Recent research findings in mathematics education in Japan

COGAN, John J.: A study of the internationalization of Japanese university students

QUARTUCCI, Guillermo: Iconographic codes in the Japanese mass culture: An approach

ROTHFORK, John: The Bengali solution in Bhabani Bhattacharya’s The Shadow from Ladakh

DASGUPTA, Kalyan: A short survey of Bengali writing for children (1960‒1980)

VENKATARATNAM, R.: Economic indicators and health: An intra-national comparison of Tamil Nadu State, India

Summary of the Lectures at the Kansai District:

LANCIOTTI, Lionello: Italian contributions to Chinese studies in the last 20 years

HIGUCHI Takayasu (樋口隆康): New archaeological researches on Bamiyan caves

Seminar I: “International Relations in Modern East Asia”

SKINNER, G. William: The revival of rural marketing in China: An analytical appraisal

MANN, Susan: The fall and rise of China’s petit bourgeoisie: A century of modernization, 1880‒1980

CH‘ENG Wang-li (程 萬里): Great historical significance of the Meiji Reformation

OBLAS, Peter B.: The mission of Kawakami Sōroku 川上操六 and treaty negotiations between Thailand and Japan in the 1890s

SCOTT, Paul D.: Rhetoric, reality and the formation of Japan’s colonial policy: Arao Sei 荒尾精 on Taiwan

VILLASENOR, Pedro Domingo Silva: Foreign technology-transfer in the postwar economic growth: The Japanese experience (A cultural and economic approach)

ETŌ Shinkichi (衞藤瀋吉): Chairman’s comment

Seminar II: “Genji Monogatari 源氏物語 in World Literature”

AKIYAMA Terukazu (秋山光和): (Lecture): The special character of the twelfth-century Genji scrolls

AKIYAMA Ken (秋山 虔): The Genji monogatari as the acme of the monogatari genre

SEIDENSTICKER, Edward: Tale and novel: The power of the Genji monogatari

LIN Wen-yüeh (林 文月): The Genji monogatari : A Chinese point of view

INOUE Eimei (井上英明): Aspects of translation in Arthur Waley’s The Tale of Genji

IKEDA Tadashi (池田 重): Report on the discussion

 No. 28・29 (Published Oct. 1984)

The 28th International Conference of Orientalists in Japan was held not independently but in conjunction with the 31st International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa (August 31-September 7, 1983 in Tokyo and Kyoto).

The 29th International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

TAMAKI Kōshirō (玉城康四郎): An introduction to the study of the enlightenment in Gotama Buddha

VANDERMEERSCH, Léon: Kinship organization in ancient China

Research Reports (full text):

FARRIS, Wayne: From soldier to samurai

DEVI, Shanti: Kompira Daigongen 金毘羅大権現: Kami 神 or hotoke 仏?

JAGCHID, Sechin: The Sinicization of the Mongolian ruling class in the late Manchu Ch‘ing 清 period

SAKAI, Anne: Une esthétique de l’artisanat: Yanagi Sōetsu 柳宗悦

MOCK, Natalie J.: Ch‘eng-kuan’s 澄観 role in the revitalization of Tōdaiji Kegon 東大寺華厳 during the Kamakura period

BECKER, Carl B.: No speeches ! On the Sino-Japanese antagonism towards public debate and rhetoric

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

SUMANGALA, Udagama: A study of Ānanda’s offenses in the Mahāprajñāpāramitā-śāstra

NAUGHTON, Alexander T.: The Abhisamayālamkāra : A Mahāyāna Buddhist soteriological system

YEH Ah-yüeh (葉 阿月): The theories of “jñeya” 所知 and “vijñeya” 所識 in the Three dharmas from the viewpoint of the Abhidharma-samuccaya

FREEMAN, Robert R.: The understanding of “dharma-kāya,” “dharma-dhātu” and “tathāgata-garbha” in the Ta-ch‘eng ch‘i-hsin-lun 大乗起信論

SOMARANSI, Udagaledeniye: Introduction of the Buddhist economics thought as found in the three canonical texts

KENRICK, Douglas Moore: Japanese pottery and the “mysterious” fourth century A. D.

VILLANI, Paolo: Japanese mythology: Recent trends in Japan in the postwar period

MASSARELLA, Derek: Business decision making; the transmission of knowledge: Aspects of the English East India Company’s efforts to reestablish direct trade with Japan, 1624‒1673

PLUMMER, Katherine: Captain Jūkichi 重吉, the first Japanese to reach America

FREI, Henry: The rise and fall of Alexander Marks, father of Japanese-Australian diplomatic relations (1879‒1902)

KAJIWARA Kageaki (梶原景昭): Blessing and display

ZHANG Chengzhi (張 承志): Kinship relations in Inner Mongolian nomadic society

TS‘AI Che-mao (蔡 哲茂): On the position of Pi-ken 妣庚, wife of Chiang-chia 羌甲, in the five rituals of the Yin 殷 oracle inscriptions

WANG Shuangqi (王 双啓): On the originality of Du Fu’s 杜甫 “Yuefu-gexing” 楽府歌行

McCORNAC, Rebecca C.: Tradition and modernity in Uno Chiyo 宇野千代

KIERSNOWSKI, Zbigniew: Mukashi-banashi 昔話: Relations with myth in the aspect of structure and meaning

WILSON, Richard L.: The potter as celebrity: The case of early Kyoto ceramics

SUMANASARA, Alubomulle: Theravāda approach to Dōgen’s 道元 concept of “casting off of body and mind” 心身脱落

WRIGHT, Dale S.: Doctrine and the concept of truth in Dōgen’s 道元 Shōbōgenzō 正法眼蔵

SUEKI Fumihiko (末木文美士): Pure Land Buddhism in the Heian period

PREJSNAR, David C.: The development of Ippen Shōnin’s 一遍上人 view of time

STANZEL, Volker: Bakumatsu 幕末 ideology and political reality: The Jimusaku 時務策 (1862) of Aizawa Seishisai 会沢正志斎 (1782‒1863)

SCHALOW, Thomas R.: Matsukata Masayoshi 松方正義 and the creation of financial stability in Meiji Japan

WHITE, James: Protest and change in contemporary Japan

CAMPBELL, Laura B.: Compensation of pollution victims in Japan

PICKEN, Stuart D. B.: The Japanese work ethic in a comparative perspective

KOJIMA Hideo (小島秀夫): Theories of child development as appeared in child-rearing and medical books in Edo 江戸 period Japan

BERENDT, Erich A. & TANAKA, Lidia: A comparative study of cohesion devices in English, Japanese and Spanish explanatory patterns

Seminar I: “International Political Relations Centering on Modern China”

SCOTT, Paul D.: Arao Sei 荒尾精 and the formation of Japan’s continental policy

SOUVANNAVONG, Phitsamone: Study of the concept of internationalism in Japan during the Taishō 大正 era: 1919‒1929

KIM Hak-joon (金 学俊): China’s non-involvement in the origins of the Korean War: A critical reassessment of the traditionalist and revisionist literature

YAMADA Tatsuo (山田辰雄): Chairman’s comment

Seminar II: “Humor in Japanese Literature”

ŌSHIMA Takehiko (大島建彦): Humor in Japanese folktales

McKINNON, Richard N.: Towards a definition of comedy kyōgen 狂言: Faces of comedy

TERUOKA Yasutaka (暉峻康隆): Humor in Japanese literature

SEIDENSTICKER, Edward: Discussant’s comment

Text of the Lecture at the Kansai District (summary):

ZHOU Zumo (周 祖謨): 漢字上古音東冬分部的問題 (Problems concerning the distinction between rime categories 東and 冬 in archaic Chinese)

 No. 27 (Published Feb. 1983)

The 27th International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

MURTHY, P. A. Narasimha: Major economic themes in Meiji 明治 education: How relevant are they today?

OGAWA Tamaki (小川環樹): Landscape as viewed by the poets of the Six Dynasties

Research Reports:

CLEARY, Thomas: Buddhism and Islam

BALLHATCHET, Helen: Walter Dening: Case study of a missionary in early Meiji Japan

ROTH, Harold D.: Filiation analysis and the textual criticism of the Huai nan tzu 淮南子

DELPRAT, Adriana: Hiraga Gennai’s 平賀源内 Fūryū Shidōken den 風流志道軒伝: The text and the intertext in gesaku 戯作 literature

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

HOORNAERT, Paul: Bondage (bandha) and release (moksa) in early Yogācāra Buddhism

BOCKING, Brian: The problem of the authorship of the Chung-lung 中論

HEINE, Steven: The temporality of hermeneutics of Dōgen’s 道元 Shōbōgenzō 正法眼蔵

STEVENS, John W.: Major themes of Zen 禅 painting and calligraphy

HUBBARD, James B.: The computerized Buddhologist: Oriental studies and the information revolution

CZYNSKI, Konrad: Paul Claudel’s Japan-inspired poetic innovations

ITŌ, Ken Kenneth: The world of Sōseki’s 漱石 Rondon tō 倫敦塔

VULPITTA, Romano: Some aspects of the thought of Yasuda Yojūrō 保田與重郎

CHANG Chia-ning (張 嘉寧): Social activism, literature and religion: The experience of Kinoshita Naoe 木下尚江

Miyazawa Kenji 宮沢賢治 rejects the bundan 文壇: An outsider’s alternative lifestyle

HAYASHI Masahiko (林 雅彦): The history of “etoki” 絵解き in Japan

GOBLE, Andrew: Kamakura bakufu 鎌倉幕府 officials

LEE Won-sik (李 元植): Arai Hakuseki 新井白石 and the Korean envoys: On his conversation by writing

MORRIS, John: Rear vassals and the fief system of Sendai han 仙台藩

MORIYAMA, Alan Takeo: An analysis of Japanese overseas emigration: Hawaii, 1894‒1908

DUELL, Barry: The introduction and diffusion of sweet potatoes in Japan

FAIRCHILD, William P.: Sumō 相撲

KNAUL, Livia: The concept of fate in the philosophy of Kuo Hsiang 郭象

WONG, Joseph: A reappraisal of T‘ang 唐 policies towards Koguryŏ 高句麗 and Paekche 百済

DUARA, Prasenjit: Lineages and the political system of North China

QURESHI, Naeem: A forgotten minority: The case of the Japanese Muslims

KWON, Yung-hee: The voices of women in the Ryōjin hishō 梁塵秘抄

TAKEUCHI, Lone: Who are ware われ(我) and onore おのれ(己)?

SZATROWSKI, Polly: Verbal aspect in Japanese

YANG Hsing-t‘ing (楊 杏庭): Economic growth in China and Taiwan as compared with Japan during the last two decades

FREI, Henry: Japanese-Australian strategic relations under Pax Britanica and Pax Americana

SMITH, Stephen R.: Alcoholics anonymous and Danshukai 断酒会: Cultural content and the recovery process

STEWART, Edward C. P.: The radical realism of Japanese culture

STONE, Mary: Women elite civil servants: Sex equality in the Japanese civil service ?

STRONACH, Bruce: Achievement and affiliation motivation in Japanese college women

JOLIVET, Muriel: Employment and overeducation in Japan

BECKER, Carl B.: Social control of crime in Japan

Seminar I: “High Culture and Low Culture in Modern China”

ŌSHIMA Tomomi Spennemann (大島偕美): Socio-historical background of genealogies and family precepts: With special reference to genealogies in Hu-nan 湖南 province

BROKAW, Cynthia: Guidebooks to social and moral success: The morality books in 16th and 17th century China

LAITINEN, Kauko: Some views concerning anti-Manchuism in the late Qing 清 revolutionary movement

NAKAGAWA Manabu (中川 学): Chairman’s report

Seminar II: “Japanese Drama and Society: and Kabuki

BETHE, Monica: Mai 舞 in the 能: Structure and implications

ROUDABUSH, John: The sociology of popular drama with reference to Kanade-hon Chūshingura 仮名手本忠臣蔵

IKEDA Tadashi (池田 重): Chairman’s report (Discussants’ comments by HATA Hisashi 羽 田昶, HARA Michio 原道生 and SEIDENSTICKER, Edward)

Summary of the Lectures at the Kansai District:

Fu I-ling (傅 衣凌): 我対于中国封建社会的再認識 (My renewed understanding of Chinese feudal society)

de BARY, Wm. Theodore: Individualism in Neo-Confucian thought


 No. 26 (Published Nov. 1981)

The 26th International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

OKA Yoshitake (岡 義武): Nationalism in the Meiji state

BROWN, Delmer M.: The evolution of historical consciousness

Research Reports:

HOORNAERT, Paul: The ontological foundation of religious praxis in Yogācāra-Buddhism: The ontological significance of Madhyānta-vibhāgakārikā I‒1

NAKAI, Kate Wildman: The political implications of Arai Hakuseki’s 新井白石 historiography: The case of Koshitsū 古史通

FOULDS, Martin A.: A survey of works by Suzuki Nanrei 鈴木南嶺

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

KRAFT, Kenneth L.: Two pioneers of Japanese Rinzai 臨済 Zen: Daitō Kokushi 大燈国師 and Musō Kokushi 夢窓国師

EASTMAN, Kenneth W.: The eighteen tantras of the Tattvasamgraha/Māyājāla

CHAUDHURI, Sukomal: Contemporary Buddhism in Bangladesh and its Japanese counterpart

KATSURA Shōryū (桂 紹隆): Dharmakīrti’s theory of truth

LEE Pyong-lai (李 平来): Won-hyo’s 元曉 Twofold Obstacles (二障義)

BACH, Faith: Ōtomo no Sakanoue no Iratsume 大伴坂上郎女 and Japanese poetical tradition

YOUNG, Blake M.: Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 and the world of haikai 俳諧 poetry

TSUKIMURA Reiko (月村れい子): Gotō Miyoko 五藤美代子 and her tanka 短歌 on sakura

BORBOUSE, Alexis: A study of ‘jo-ha-kyū’ 序破急 or structural movements in the Izutsu 井筒 by Zeami 世阿弥

GOODMAN, David G.: Satoh Makoto 佐藤信 and themes of the Japanese modern theatre movement

BILDER, Erica: Avant-garde theatre in Tokyo: A flirt with Western modern theatre?

ROBERTSON, Jennifer: Jinseiron 人生論 (human relations discourses) in Edoperiod nōsho 農書 (farm manuals)

SKYA, Walter: Bushidō 武士道: Outlook on death and lord-retainer relationship from the viewpoint of Hagakure 葉隠

BLOMBERG, D. Catharina M.: Religious traits in the customs of the bushi 武士 in feudal Japan

COOK, Colin J. O.: The role of geography in education: A comparative analysis of geography teaching in Japan and the United Kingdom

NOTEHELFER, Fred G.: Leroy Lansing Janes, the Kumamoto Yōgakkō 熊本洋学校, and Tokutomi Sohō 徳富蘇峰

MORIYAMA, Alan Takeo: To-bei annai 渡米案内: Japanese emigration guides to America, 1885‒1905

GORDON, Leonard H. D.: United States, China, and Taiwan: The intractable triangle

FREI, Henry: The changing geopolitical dimensions in Japanese-Australian relations, 1940‒1980

RIZVI, Syed Shahid Ali: Some observations on present-day village administration in Japan

SIMONSON, Nancee: Japanese banks in transition: The internationalization of the Japanese markets

TEBOUL, Michel: On the planetary theory described in the Wu-hsing chan 五星占

CHIANG K‘ung-yang (蒋 孔陽): Laotze’s 老子 musical aesthetic thought of “Grand Sound is Unheard” (大音希聲)

KUROSU Shigehiko (黒須重彦): Chinese classics and the “Yūgao”夕顔 chapter of the Genji monogatari 源氏物語

HAHN Ki-un (韓 基彦): Educational value system of “kichochuii” 基礎主義 (foundationism)

YADAV, Kripal C.: Swami Dayananda Saraswati: A study of his ideas and programme of reform of the 19th century Indian society

YEH Ah-yüeh (葉 阿月): A study of the perfection of transcendental wisdom from the viewpoint of “rūpam śūnyata śūnyataiva rūpam” (色即是空, 空即是色)

MOHAPATRA, Sagarika: Introduction of female deities in Buddhist pantheon

STEVENS, John W.: Buddhism and the history of printing

HAN Ki-doo (韓 基斗): On patriarch Jin-gui 真帰 in Korean Buddhism

MIYAKE, Lynne K.: The structure of Tōnomine Shōshō monogatari 多武峯少将物語

MISUMI Yōichi (三角洋一): The humor of “Yoshinashigoto”よしなしごと

TAKEMOTO, Akira Ronald: The growth of a personal voice: Senjūshō 撰集抄 and Kamakura 鎌倉 Buddhist setsuwa 説話 collections

TROOST, Kristina K.: The conflict between jitō 地頭 and shōen ryōshu 荘園領主 in Yugenoshima 弓削島

SZULC, Sławoir: On the Japanese military organization during the Mongol invasion in 1274

MORRIS, John: A historical perspective on the “tokoro kyūnin” 所給人 system of Nambu han 南部藩

STEELE, M. William: Against the Meiji Restoration: Katsu Kaishū 勝海舟 and the attempt to reinstate the Tokugawa 徳川 family

ASHKENAZI, Michael: Analysis of modern Japanese ritual

ROSSIDES, Nicos: Consecration ritual in the Japanese city

MATHUR, Ramesh: Japanese expressions: An interpretive study

VERWILGHEN, Albert Felix: Old pottery at Yonago 米子and Tottori 鳥取 castle-sites

McDONALD, Aya Louisa: Hakubyō-ga 白描画 research

Summary of the Lectures at the Kansai District:

DUQUENNE, Robert: On realizing Boodhahood in one’s body

HSI Tse-tsung (席 澤宗): Astronomical records in ancient Far East and their applications in modern astronomy

Seminar I: “Chinese Local Economy in the Process of Modernization”

BROOK, Timothy: Landowning monasteries and local control in Ming 明 China

NAKAYAMA Mio (中山美緒): The anti-silver argument and local markets in the early Ch‘ing 清

GROVE, Linda: Commerce and industry in contemporary Kao-yang county 高陽縣

Seminar II: “Modern Japanese Writers and the Use of Language”

SPARLING, Kathryn: Language and form in Sōseki’s 漱石 Sorekara それから and Meian 明暗

YAMADA Yūsaku (山田有策): Modern labyrinth: The literary style of Izumi Kyōka 泉鏡花

SEIDENSTICKER, Edward & HASEGAWA Izumi (長谷川 泉): Discussants’ comments

IKEDA Tadashi (池田 重): Report on the discussion

 No. 25 (Published Dec. 1980)

The 25th International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

BANNO Masataka (坂野正高): Ma Chien-chung 馬建忠 (1844‒1900), a frustrated reformist: His views on diplomatic service and naval training

AKIYAMA Terukazu (秋山光和): Selected problems in the study of the cave-paintings at Bamiyan

Research Reports:

DOBBINS, James C.: The concept of heresy in the Jōdo Shinshū 浄土真宗

JACKSON, Jr., Earl: Toward a phenomenology of Ōe Kenzaburō 大江健三郎: Self, world, and the intermediating microcosm

MORRIS, John: Some problems concerning fiefs in the Edo period

GRAYBILL, Maribeth: An iconographical approach to the study of poet portraiture in medieval Japan

VARDUL, Igor F.: On the concept of bunsetsu 文節 in Japanese linguistics

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

RHODES, Robert F.: Seng-chao’s 僧肇 conception of the sage

LEE Pyong-lai (李 平来): A study of the Ta-ch‘eng ch‘i-hsin-lun 大乗起信論: Principally based on the commentary by Won-hyo 元曉 of Silla 新羅

YŪKI Yoshifumi (由木義文): Ganjin’s 鑑真 esoteric thought

AUGUSTINE, Morris J.: The sociology of knowledge and the attainment of truth in Buddhist and Christian modes of faith and practice: An investigation of some important transcultural and social processes which lie behind religious faith

STEVENS, John W.: Traditional Buddhist practice in modern Japan: The thousand-day training

HWANG Pae-gang (黄 興江): The historical context and mythological structure of “yamasachi 山幸 (mountain treasure) ” and “umisachi 海幸 (sea treasure)”

HARBISON, Mark A.: Minamoto-no-Toshiyori 源俊頼 and Japanese poetics in the Insei period

GERLING, Reuben: Kamo-no-Chōmei 鴨長明 and Japanese Buddhism

KRUSTEVA, Tsvetana: Towazu-gatari とはずがたり

JEWEL, Mark H.: Aspects of narrative structure in the work of Izumi Kyōka 泉鏡花

GAY, Suzanne: The Muromachi bakufu 幕府 in the Kinai 畿内 region: The case of the Kawashima 革島 dogō 土豪

FLERSHEM, Yoshiko N. & FLERSHEM, Robert G.: The Tempō 8 exile of Terajima Kurōdo 寺島蔵人, samurai reformer of the Kaga 加賀 domain

BAXTER, James C.: State and locality in Meiji Japan

BANNO Junji (坂野潤治): Party politics and Japan’s China policy in the 1920s

PARK, Yung H.: Governmental bureaucracy and policy-making in Japan

FLORES, Bernal: Why and how to use the Hanson system of intervallic analysis for the study and classification of Japanese scales and the ranges and tunings of Japanese instruments

CHARERNSUPKUL, Anuvit: A study of brick monuments of the Khmer school in northeastern Thailand

ARYASINGHE, Abaya: Evidence of the solar-cult in Sri Lanka

ANWAR, Siti Dahsiar: On “minkan shinkō” 民間信仰 (folk belief)

ITŌ, Barbara Darlington: Women entrepreneurs in a Japanese city: The role of personal networks

RAMSEY, Sheila: The kinesics of femininity of Japanese women

HALPERN, Jack: A revolutionary approach to the study of kanji 漢字

HARDER, Bernhard D.: Cultural value differences in the stylistic problems of English compositions written by Japanese students

FREI, Henry: The geopolitical factor in Japanese-Australian relations in the 1930s

RAWAT, Anil: Dynamics of the Japanese Constitution: An analysis of national and international issues affecting the Constitution in the 1970s

McNELLY, Theodore: The Japanese experience with constitutional disarmament and its relevance for the elimination of war

ORAPIN, Sompong: Comparison of rice marketing and rice price policies between Japan and Thailand

LIEN Yung-ying (廉 永英): An exposition on the T‘ung-pien 通変 chapter of the Wen-hsin tiao-lung 文心雕龍

KAMITSUKA Yoshiko (神塚淑子): Wu Yün’s 呉筠 theory of the attainability of immortality

PAN, Anthony: The publication of popular books and changes in late Ming 明 society

PAULSON, David: ‘Pacification war’ and resistance in Shantung 山東 province, 1939‐1944

Summary of the Lectures at the Kansai District:

ROGERS, Minor L.:Shinjin 信心 and anjin 安心: A study of “faith” in Shin 真宗 Buddhist history

JAO Tsung-i (饒 宗頤): On the divinatory diagram (I-kua 易卦) in the Shang 商 dynasty

Seminar I: “Chinese Economy under the Ch‘ing Dynasty”

CH‘ÜAN Han-sheng (全 漢昇): The copper mining industry in Yunnan during the Ch‘ing period

DANIELS, Christian: The strucuture of the sugar industry in southern Taiwan during the late Ch‘ing period: Manufacture and merchant control of production

HAMASHITA Takeshi (濱下武志): Financial transformation in late Ch‘ing China: Yung Wing’s 容閎 proposal for the establishment of a national bank in 1896

NAKAGAWA Manabu (中川 学): Report on the Seminar

Seminar II: “Understanding and Appreciation of Kabuki

BRANDON, James: What is kabuki 歌舞伎?

KAGEYAMA Masataka (景山正隆): Chūshingura 忠臣蔵: Illustrated with color slides

IKEDA Tadashi (池田 重): Report on the Seminar

 No. 24 (Published Dec. 1979)

The 24th International Conferene of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

NAGAZUMI Akira (永積 昭): The Indonesian Muslims studying abroad and the Indonesian nationalist movement in the 1920’s

SHIVELY, Donald H.: City administration in Osaka under the Tokugawa: A comparative perspective

Research Reports:

FARRIS, Wayne: A reconsideration of the ‘population growth thesis’ for ritsuryō 律令 Japan

CORNELL, Laurel L.: Female househod headship and principles of succession in a peasant village in Tokugawa 徳川 Japan

STINCHECUM, Amanda: Problems of narrative voice and point of view in “Ukifune” 浮舟

PARK, Yung H.: The education policy system in contemporary Japan

YANG Ch‘i-ch‘iao (楊 啓樵): 雍正帝急死の謎 (The problem of the sudden demise of emperor Yung-cheng)

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

HARDACRE, Helen: Butsuryūkō 仏立講

STEVENS, John W.: Shiki soku ze kū kū soku ze shiki 色即是空空即是色: The heart of the Heart Sutra

OH Kwang-hyuck (呉 光爀): 所謂、知訥の『念仏要門』について (On Jee Nul’s Nyum bul yo mun)

GIMELLO, Robert M.: The Hua-yen 華厳 thought of Li T‘ung-hsüan 李通玄

TSUDA Shin’ichi (津田真一): The structure of the Samvara-mandala and its textual and theoretical backgrounds

HUNTER, Jeffrey: Nichiren’s 日蓮 bodhisattva practice and the daimoku 題目

von VERSCHUER, Charlotte: Official relations between Japan and China in the Nara 奈良 and early Heian 平安 periods

ROBERTSON, Jennifer E.: The crucial role of women disciples of the Edo period Shingaku 心学movement as educators within and without the family setting, and the legacy of their efforts

JENNISON, Rebecca S.: Minchō 明兆, innovator or follower? A discussion of thematic and stylistic development in the work of one Zen 禅 monk-painter of the Muromachi era

COATS, Bruce A.: Kanō Motonobu 狩野元信 and the early Kanō studio

EDER, Matthias: The sources of Japanese religiosity

ŌBAYASHI Taryō (大林太良): A structural analysis of the myth of “the sea-luck” and “the land-luck”

PICKEN, Stuart D. B.: Suicide in popular culture in pre- and post-war Japan: With special reference to the young

ASHBY, Janet M.: The Otoko wa tsurai yo 男はつらいよ series of films and Japanese society

BRYANT, Tamie: The space between the flowers: A comparison of Japanese and American women’s friendships

RAMSEY, Sheila: Decision making strategies: The case of jan ken pon

FAIRCHILD, William P.: Toward a new interpretation of the Kojiki 古事記

TOCHIGI Yoshitada (栃木孝惟): The textual formation and development of the Hōgen monogatari 保元物語: With special reference to the accounts related to the ex-emperor Shutoku’s 崇徳 exile to Sanuki 讃岐

POLAK, Christian: The Washington Conference and the French-Japanese relations

KOGIKU, Kiichirō: Japan’s postwar economic development and Western economic thought

JACQUES, René: The Chinese Academy of Sciences

HUANG Chin-hung (黄 綿鋐): A study of ‘sentiment’ and ‘propriety’ in Chuang-tze 荘子

Lectures at the Kansai District:

SEIDEL, Anna: Le Fils du Ciel et le Maître Céleste 天師: Note à propos des “Registres” taoïques

de BARY, Wm. Theodore: The rise of Chu Hsi 朱熹 orthodoxy in Yüang 元 China

Seminar Ⅰ: “Chinese Images of Japan”

YUNG Ying-yue (容 應萸): Chinese students’ assessment of modern Japan: 1896‒1911

PRICE, Don C.: Sung Chiao-jen 宋教仁 in Japan

SULESKI, Ronald: Chinese responses to the Japanese Youth Volunteer Corps in Manchuria 満蒙開拓青少年義勇軍

BANNO Masataka (坂野正高): Report on the Seminar

Seminar Ⅱ: “Merits and Demerits of Japanese Literature”

Speakers: SEIDENSTICKER, Edward; HASEGAWA Izumi (長谷川 泉); & MATSUZAKI Hitoshi (松崎 仁)

IKEDA Tadashi (池田 重): Report on the Seminar

 No. 23 (Published Dec. 1978)

The 23rd International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

KANDA Nobuo (神田信夫): Manchu: Resurrection of a language as an important tool for historians

ICHIKO Teiji (市古貞次): On old literary works and research information in Japan

Research Reports:

DUQUENNE, Robert: The cosmic elements in Buddhist meditation

JOHNSON, Scott: The Fenollosa-Hirata manuscripts on noh and how Ezra Pound edited them

POLAK, Christian: 日仏交流のあけぼの (L’abbé Mermet de Cachon et l’aube des relations franco-japonaises)

KEARNEY, Reginald: Afro-American attitudes toward the war with Japan

IMAMURA, Anne E.: The active housewife: Continuity and change in the status of shufu 主婦 (housewife)

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

ABBOTT, Terry: The Chinese version of the Hevajra Tantra

GELFMAN, Wayne: Kūkai’s 空海 interpretation of the Rishukyō 理趣経

EDER, Matthias: The shingaku 心学 movement a ground breaker for new religions in the late Tokugawa 徳川 time

STAGGS, Kathleen M.: Inoue Enryō 井上円了and Murakami Senshō 村上専精 and the defense of Buddhism in the Meiji period

STEVENS, John W.: Ryōkan’s 良寛 religious spirit

HARDACRE, Helen: Acquisition of conservative values in Reiyūkai 霊友会

CABEZAS, Antonio: Japanese classical poetry in translation

KHAN, Nasir Ahmed: A comparative study of Yukiguni 雪国 and Umrao Jan Ada

FIALA, Karel: Poem sequences in Man’yōshū 万葉集, Vols. 11‒12 and the role of poem 3061

De ROO, Joseph: Kanji 漢字: A visual method for computer processing and dictionary locating

BERENDT, Erich: A perceptual study of the Japanese /s/ spirant

PACHECO, Diego: A. The social phenomenon of the Christian daimyo 大名

BROWN, Philip C.: The land tax in Kaga-han 加賀藩

MORIYAMA, Alan Takeo: Japanese government-sponsored emigration to Hawaii, 1885‒ 1894

PICKEN, Stuart D. B.: Philosophy and ideology in the Meiji era

KREBS, Gerhard: Japan’s policy toward Germany and the one-party movement 1936‒1941

HOOK, Glenn D.: Peace issues in Japan

HORI-ANDROUAIS, Anne: Japanese investments in ASEAN countries in the 70’s

RODRIGUEZ, Justino: The relation between “ki” 気 and “spirit”

MARRAS, Pino: Human relations in Japanese society and “wabi kotoba” 詫び言葉 (expressions of apology)

RAVERI, Massimo: Ritual order and disorder in matsuri

CALENBERG, Verena: The Japanese village of today in economic and social change

WILLS, Paul: Methods and materials of the hyōgushi 表具師: A short account of the repair and remounting of Japanese hanging scrolls

PERDUE, Peter C. & WONG, R. Bin: Food supply and social disorder in Ch‘ing 清 China

NEWTON, Michael C.: The aura of illness: Some modern Japanese attitudes towards mental illness

Summary of the Lectures at the Kansai District:

BOUCHY, Anne-Marie: 愛宕山の山岳信仰について (Mountain belief of Mt. Atago)

CH‘EN, Jerome: From gentlemen to intellectuals

Seminar I: “Political Polarization and Local Society: Republican China, 1926‒1945”

AVERILL, Stephen C.: Revolution and the Chinese elite: Kiangsi province, 1926‒31

GROVE, Linda: Economic crisis and political polarization in wartime North China

REYNOLDS, Douglas R.: Unoccupied wartime China: As reflected in the Chinese industrial cooperative movement, 1938‒1945

TOKUDA Noriyuki (徳田教之): Report on the Seminar

Seminar II: “Violence and the Individual in Modern Japanese Novel”

GESSEL, Van Craig: War and postwar in the writings of Kojima Nobuo 小島信夫, Yasuoka Shōtarō 安岡章太郎, and Endō Shūsaku 遠藤周作

HASEGAWA Izumi (長谷川 泉) & SEIDENSTICKER, Edward: Discussants’ comments

IKEDA Tadashi (池田 重): Report on the discussion

 No. 22 (Published Nov. 1977)

The 22nd International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

SHIGA Shūzō (滋賀秀三): A comparative survey of legal institutions in Ch‘ing China and Tokugawa Japan: Family, village and state

FUJIEDA Akira (藤枝 晃): The k‘ai style writing (楷書): An ecological study

Research Reports:

GROSNICK, William: The understanding of “dhātu” in the Anūnatvāpūrņatvanirdeśa

PICKEN, Stuart D. B.: Shinto and the beginnings of modernization in Japan

NEWTON, Michael C.: The autobiography of illusion: Tanizaki’s 谷崎 amae 甘え

RYAVEC, Carole A.: Political jurisdiction in the Sengoku daimyo 戦国大名 domain: Japan, 1477‒1573

BHATTACHARYYA, A. K.: Some parallelisms in iconographic concepts in India and Japan

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

FREEMAN, Robert R.: A study of the term avidyā 無明 in its relationship with tathatā 真如 and the mind 心, as described in the Daijō-kishinron大乗起信論 (Mahāyāna-śraddhotpāda-śāstra)

PARKER, Kenneth W.: An introduction to the Nyorai-kyō 如来教 canon

EDER, Matthias: The old religions as seen in the light of the “new religions” in Japan

BEICHMAN, Janine: Structure and syntax in Hitomaro’s 人麿 chōka 長歌

DOBROVOLSKAYA, Tatjyana I.: The new conception of life and individual in the works of novelist Ihara Saikaku 井原西鶴

DELTEIL, André: For a definition of “essay” (随筆)

BECKER, Carl B.: Locating and learning Japanese kanji 漢字

RISSER, Craig: The decline of the kubunden 口分田 system

WALTHALL, Anne: Political protest by commoners: Japan, 1781‒1787

BOWEN, Roger W.: Rice-roots democracy and popular rebellion in Meiji Japan

FROST, Peter K.: Shifting gears: The SCAP-CIE reform of higher education and the concept of reverse course

DURNELL, Hazel B.: Carl Sandburg and Japan

ENSHAIAN, M. H.: A study of two nishiki 錦 with hunting scenes from the Shōsōin 正倉院: Sassanian art and the Nara period

STA ROMANA, Elpidio R.: Japanese economic activities in the Philippines: Some implications on Philippine development

YANG, Paul Fu-mien, S. J. (楊 福綿): Languages of the national minorities in southwestern China: A study of Catholic missionary contributions

GELEY, Jean-Philippe: Conditions of a positive analysis of documents-monuments in the thirteenth century Mongol period: The case of Secret History of the Mongols

Summary of the Lectures at the Kansai District:

WANG, Chester C. I.: Wang Kuo-wei 王国維 (1877‒1927) and his Japanese friends

MILLER, Roy Andrew: The ‘poetic journey’ of the priest Manzei 沙弥満誓: An early eighth-century sequence from the Man’yōshū 万葉集

Seminar I: “Japanese Heritage and Western Thought in Modern Japanese Literature”

KORNICKI, Peter F.: Ozaki Kōyō 尾崎紅葉 and Edo fiction

MORTON, Leith D.: A comparison of Arishima Takeo’s 有島武郎 Kankan mushi かんかん蟲 and Kain no matsue iカインの末裔

YOSHIDA Seiichi (吉田精一) & SEIDENSTICKER, Edward: Discussants’ comments

IKEDA Tadasi (池田 重): Report on the discussion

Seminar II: “Sino-Japanese Relations in Transition”

REYNOLDS, Carol: Some Chinese views of early Meiji Japan, 1868‒1894

BRENNAN, Maura Jo: Tyson Sino-Japanese relations: November 1969‒April 1970

GROSE, Michael: Normalization of Japan-China relations: Japan’s decision-making process

ETŌ Shinkichi (衞藤瀋吉): Report on the Seminar

 No. 21 (Published Oct. 1976)

The 21st International Conference of Orientalists in Japan

Special Lectures (summary):

HANEDA Akira (羽田 明): Some remarks on the historical study of East Turkestan

GROOTAERS, Willem A.: Recent advances in linguistic geography in Japan

Research Reports:

PICKEN, Stuart D. B.: Suicide in Japan and Europe: Convergence and contrast in modern views

GOLDBERSZT, Jeanne: Essai d’interprétation des métamorphoses dans le cinquième acte de Tōkaidō Yotsuya kaidan 東海道四谷怪談

DEAN, Britten: The United States in China, 1868‒1900: The diplomacy of economic self-interest

KELLY, William W.: The development of irrigation and drainage on Shōnai 庄内 plain

Summary of Other Reports Delivered:

HABITO, Ruben L. F.: The monistic tendency in Japanese Buddhism: As seen through the treatment of the threefold Buddha-body theory in a Tendai-hongaku 天台本覚 document

TANABE, George J.: Myōe’s 明恵 Pure Land thought and Hōnen’s 法然 influence

KUBOSE, Sunnan Koyo: The relationship between Buddhistic non-ego and psychological determinism

MERRILL, Sally: On the significance of “Oriental nothingness” for international relations

FAIRCHILD, William P.: Kaguya Hime かぐや姫

RAZ, Jacob: Audience’s tendencies and tastes in the Japanese traditional theatre

MILLS, David O.: The copula as a form of predication in Japanese: A historical perspective

BRYANT, Daniel: The life of Meng Hao-jan 孟浩然

TOBY, Ronald P.: Tokugawa foreign intelligence and national security: The case of the Revolt of the Three Feudatories (三藩の乱) in China, 1673‒1681

ERICSON, Mark D.: Yankee impertinence, Yankee corruption: The Tokugawa bakufu 徳川幕府 and the Robert Pruyn affair

MICHELSON, Mark C.: Perceptions and policies in Japan’s foreign relations, 1936‒1941

NIMIT, Nontapunthawat: Japan and the Asia Pacific countries in international perspective: An economist’s viewpoint

RÖKKUM, Arne K.: Encounters in shamanistic ritual: Cases from two offshore Japanese islands

GLÜCK, Jay: The traditional folkcrafts of Persia today

NOSCO, Peter E.: The emergence and development of kokugaku 国学 to 1763

PENSRI, Kanchanomai: The social impact of Shinto in modern Japan

DAVIS, Glenn: Tōyama Mitsuru 頭山満, the right wing and the underworld

BAKER, Edward J.: Changes in the pattern of land holding in Korea during the period of Japanese colonial rule (1910‒1945): Tentative description of research in progress

Research Report and Summary at the Kansai District:

BOYER, Martha: Japanese export lacquers from the 17th century in Denmark

YANG Ho-yih (楊 合義): Water transport in the Three Eastern provinces (東三省) under the Ch‘ing 清

Seminar I: “Some Problems in Modern Japanese Literature”

BEICHMAN, Janine: Saitō Mokichi’s 斎藤茂吉 Shinitamau haha 死にたまふ母

KEENE, Dennis: The idea of experiment in modern Japanese literature

HASEGAWA Izumi (長谷川 泉) & SEIDENSTICKER, Edward: Discussants’ comments

IKEDA Tadashi (池田 重): Report on the discussion

Seminar II: “Beyond the Standard Interpretations on Medieval Japan”

MASS, Jeffrey P.: The formative period of Kamakura justice

SOLOMON, Michael: Rennyo 蓮如 and the Ikkō ikki 一向一揆

KANAI Madoka (金井 圓): Chairman’s comment