一般財團法人東方學會 本文へジャンプ


No. 100 (Published Feb. 2011)
The Present State and Future Prospects of Japanese Research on the History of Chinese Art

OGAWA Hiromitsu (小川裕充): Introduction

NEDACHI Kensuke (根立研介): The Present State of Research on the History of Buddhist Sculpture during the Northern and Southern Dynasties

HIDA Romi (肥田路美): The Current State of Japanese Research on the History of T‘ang Art and Related Issues

OGAWA Hiromitsu: Trends in Japanese Research on the History of Chinese Painting and Future Prospects: With a Focus on the Sung and Yüan Dynasties

MIYAZAKI Noriko (宮崎法子): The Current State of Japanese Research on Chinese art History and Related Issues: With a Focus on the History of Ming and Ch‘ing Painting

NISHIGAMI Minoru (西上実): Trends and Issues in Japanese Research on the History of Chinese Painting: With a Focus on the Republican Period and Later

No. 99 (Published Aug. 2010)
Studies on the Ritsuryō System of Ancient Japan: In Comparison with the T'ang

ŌTSU Tōru (大津透): Introduction

ENOMOTO Jun’ichi (榎本淳一): Japan’s Ritsuryō System in the “East Asian World”

SAKAUE Yasutoshi (坂上康俊): The Comparative Study of the Ritsuryō Bureaucracy in Ancient Japan and T‘ang China

MARUYAMA Yumiko (丸山裕美子): The Adoption of the Ritsuryō Codes and Their Civilizing Influence

ŌSUMI Kiyoharu (大隅清陽): The Acceptance of the Ritsuryō Codes and the Chinese System of Rites in Japan

ŌTSU Tōru: The History of Research on the Ancient Ritsuryō System and the Comparative Study of the Ritsuryō System in Recent Years

No. 98 (Published Feb. 2010)
The Culture of “Heaven” in the Former and Later Han

IKEDA Tomohisa (池田知久): Introduction

Sarah ALLAN: T‘ien and Shang Ti in Pre-Han China

IKEDA Tomohisa: Correlative Thought and “Tzu-jan” 自然

WATANABE Yoshihiro (渡邉義浩): Sacrifices to Heaven in the Han and the Theory of Six Heavens

IKEDA Shūzō (池田秀三): Cheng Hsüan’s Theory of Six Heavens and Ritual Scholarship during the Han

MIURA Kunio (三浦國雄): “Heaven” in Taoism: With a Focus on the Celestial Thearch in the “Early Way of the Celestial Master”

No. 97 (Published Aug. 2009)
Women in Japanese Buddhism: Focusing on the Ancient and Medieval Periods

ŌSUMI Kazuo (大隅和雄): Introduction

ŌSUMI Kazuo: Women and Buddhism in Relation to Basic Japanese Beliefs

KATSUURA Noriko (勝浦令子): Women and Views of Pollution

USHIYAMA Yoshiyuki (牛山佳幸): The Historical Development of the Exclusion of Women from Sacred Places (Nyonin Kinzei 女人禁制) in Japan

HARADA Masatoshi (原田正俊): Nuns and Convents in Medieval Japan

NISHIGUCHI Junko (西口順子): Trends in the Study of Women and Buddhism

No. 96 (Published Feb. 2009)
Mahāyāna Buddhism: Its Origins and Reality

SAITŌ Akira (斎藤明): Introduction

SHIMODA Masahiro (下田正弘): The state of research on Mahāyāna Buddhism: The Mahāyāna as seen in developments in the study of Mahāyāna Sūtras

SASAKI Shizuka (佐々木閑): A basic approach for research on the origins of Mahāyāna Buddhism

YAMABE Nobuyoshi (山部能宜): The paths of Śrāvakas and bodhisattvas in meditative practices

WATANABE Shōgo (渡辺章悟): The role of “destruction of the Dharma” and “predictions” in Mahāyāna Sūtras: With a focus on the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras

FUJITA Yoshimichi (藤田祥道): The bodhisattva thought of the Sarvāstivādins and Mahāyāna Buddhism

No. 95 (Published Aug. 2008)
Studies of Medieval Ryukyu within Asia’s Maritime Network

MURAI Shosuke (村井章介): Introduction

YAMAMOTO Masaaki (山本正昭): The Gusuku period in the Okinawa Islands

KAMEI Meitoku (亀井明德): Changes in the ceramic trade and its modus operandi in Old Ryukyu

OKAMOTO Hiromichi (岡本弘道): Foreign policy and maritime trade in the early Ming 明 period: Focusing on the Ryukyu kingdom

UEZATO Takashi (上里隆史): The formation of the port city of Naha 那覇 in Ryukyu and the world of maritime Asia: From the perspective of a Japanese network

ITO Koji (伊藤幸司): Japan and Ryukyu during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

No. 94 (Published Feb. 2008)
Japanese Studies in the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia

MORIYASU Takao (森安孝夫): Introduction

MORIYASU Takao: Japanese research on the history of the Sogdians along the Silk Road, Mainly from Sogdiana to China

IWAMI Kiyohiro (石見清裕): Turks and Sogdians in China during the T‘ang 唐 period

ARAKAWA Masaharu (荒川正晴): Sogdians and the royal house of Ch‘ü 麹 in Kao-ch‘ang 高昌 kingdom

YOSHIDA Yutaka (吉田豊): On the taxation system of Pre-Islamic Khotan

MORIYASU Takao: Epistolary formulae of the Old Uighur letters from Central Asia

No. 93 (Published Sep. 2007)
The Transformation of Japanese International Relations: From Early Modern to Modern Times

MITANI Hiroshi (三谷博): Introduction

MOTEGI Toshio (茂木敏夫): The Opening of Japan and Changes in Japan’s relations with China and Korea

ENDO Yasuo (遠藤泰生): The cultural geography of the opening of Japan: The arrival of Perry’s squadron and the transformation of Japanese understanding of the Pacific Ocean during the Edo period

YOKOYAMA Yoshinori (横山伊徳): Japan and Ryukyu in the Bakumatsu 幕末 period as seen in overseas sources

UGAI Masashi (鵜飼政志): Relations between Japan and the West after the opening of Japan

MITANI Hiroshi: The transformation of diplomatic norms in East Asia during the nineteenth century: From ambiguity to singularity

No. 92 (Published Feb. 2007)
Studies in Southeast Asian History

SAKURAI Yumio (桜井由躬雄): Introduction

YAMAGATA Mariko (山形真理子): The early history of Lin-i viewed from archaeology

AOYAMA Toru (青山亨): A new interpretation of the “East-West division of Java” in the late fourteenth century

KITAGAWA Kyoko (北川香子): “Water Kings” and “Mountain Kings”

OHASHI Atsuko (大橋厚子): The history of West Java during the age of “incorporation”: Retold from the perspective of ordinary housewives

ITO Toshikatsu (伊東利勝): Karens and the Kon-baung polity in Myanmar

No. 91 (Published July 2006)
The Cutting Edge of Research on Japanese Buddhism

SUEKI Fumihiko (末木文美士): Introduction

YOSHIDA Kazuhiko (吉田一彦): The thesis that Prince Shotoku 聖徳太子 did not exist

HANANO Judo (花野充道): Original enlightenment thought

MINOWA Kenryo (蓑輪顕量): The revival of the precepts and Buddhism in medieval Nara 奈良

SONEHARA Satoshi (曽根原理): The establishment of early modern Buddhism

SUEKI Fumihiko (末木文美士): Buddhism in the history of Japanese religion: Research history
and research methods

No. 90 (Published Feb. 2006)
Word and Meaning in Indian Philosophy

HATTORI Masaaki (服部正明): Introduction

AKAMATSU Akihiko (赤松明彦): Bhartrhari on meaning and form: The second book of the Vakyapadiya, Karikas 325-347

YOSHIMIZU Kiyotaka (吉水清孝): The theorem of the singleness of a goblet (graha-ekatva-nyaya): A Mimamsa analysis of meaning and context

MOTEGI Shujun (茂木秀淳): Sabda in the Yuktidipika

HATTORI Masaaki (服部正明): The apoha theory as referred to in the Nyayamanjari

WADA Toshihiro (和田壽弘): A Navya-nyaya presupposition in determining the meaning of words

No. 89 (Published Aug. 2005)
Japanese Literature of Wandering and Ltinerancy

KUMEKAWA Mitsuki (粂川光樹): Introduction

INOUE Eimei (井上英明): The truth in patterns of oral tradition

OGAWA Naoyuki (小川直之): A reexamination of the marebito まれびと thesis

ISHIDA Yuriko (石田百合子): Itinerancy and performing arts: With a focus on Semimaru 蝉丸

HORIKIRI Minoru (堀切実): Basho 芭蕉: The topology of itinerancy and settlement

FUKUDA Hideichi (福田秀一): Wandering and itinerancy in modern and contemporary popular songs

KUMEKAWA Mitsuki (粂川光樹): Modern Japanese literature and itinerancy

No. 88 (Published Jan. 2005)
Ming-Ch‘ing History Seen from East Asia

KISHIMOTO Mio (岸本美緒): Introduction

IWAI Shigeki (岩井茂樹): China’s frontier society in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

SUGIYAMA Kiyohiko (杉山清彦): The Ch‘ing 清 empire as a Manchu khanate: The structure of rule under the Eight Banners

ISHIHAMA Yumiko (石濱裕美子): The image of Ch‘ien-lung’s 乾隆 kingship as seen from the world of Tibetan Buddhism

KURODA Akinobu (黒田明伸): Copper coins chosen and silver differentiated: Another aspect of the “silver century” in East Asia

KISHIMOTO Mio (岸本美緒): The Ch‘ing dynasty and the East Asian world

No. 87 (Published July 2004)
Studies in Early Modern Japanese History

TAKAGI Shosaku (高木昭作): Introduction: Postwar trends in the study of early modern Japanese history

KURUSHIMA Hiroshi (久留島浩): Hyakusho 百姓 and military duty in early modern Japan

FUKUDA Chizuru (福田千鶴): The political process in the first half of the seventeenth century

TAKAGI Shosaku (高木昭作): Hideyoshi’s 秀吉 and Ieyasu’s 家康 views of Japan as a land of the gods and its antecedents: With reference to the “writ for the expulsion of missionaries” of 1614

TSUKADA Takashi (塚田孝): Stratification and compositeness of social groups in Tokugawa 徳川 Japan: A perspective on early modern society

MIKI Seiichiro (三鬼清一郎): The reorganization of local order in the early modern period

No. 86 (Published Feb. 2004)
Islam in History: Sufi Saints and Religious Factions

SATO Tsugitaka (佐藤次高): Introduction

TONAGA Yasushi (東長靖):‘Polytheistic’ Islam: Islam observed from the perspectives of sufi, saint, and Tariqa

SHIMIZU Kazuhiro (清水和裕): Visits to the tomb of Muscab b. al-Zubayr: Sectarian disturbances during the Buwayhid Dynasty

SATO Tsugitaka: Visits to the tomb of the saint Ibrahim

KISAICHI Masatoshi (私市正年): Jews under the Marinids: The realities of a policy of tolerance and its background

KOMATSU Hisao (小松久男): Bukhara and Kazan

No. 85 (Published Sep. 2003)
The Current State of Research on Japanese Art History and Related Issues

KOBAYASHI Tadashi (小林忠): Introduction

NEDACHI Kensuke (根立研介): The present state of research on the history of ancient and medieval sculpture and related issues

SANO Midori (佐野みどり): The present state of research on ancient and medieval art history and related issues

KONO Motoaki (河野元昭): The present state of research on early modern art history and related issues

SATO Doshin (佐藤道信): The present state of research on modern art history and related issues

IKEDA Shinobu (池田忍): The potential of Japanese art history

No. 84 (Published Feb. 2003)
New Directions in the Study of Sung History

IHARA Hiroshi (伊原弘): Introduction

TAKATSU Takashi (高津孝): The selection of the “Eight great prose masters of the T‘ang 唐 and Sung 宋” and Chinese society in the Sung and later

ITAKURA Masaaki (板倉聖哲): Representations of politicalness and regionality in Wen-chi’s Return to China (文姫帰漢)

MATSUMOTO Koichi (松本浩一): The Taoist rites of the celestial heart: Their content and character

AOKI Atsushi (青木敦): Sung legal culture: An analysis of the application of laws by judges in the Ch‘ing-ming chi 清明集

SUE Takashi (須江隆): The shock of the year Hsuan-ho 宣和 2: The abrupt change in the granting of plaques and titles during Hui-tsung’s 徽宗 reign

No. 83 (Published Sep. 2002)
The Current State of Research on Monogatari

FUKUDA Hideichi (福田秀一): Introduction

KANNOTO Akio (神野藤昭夫): An outline history of narrative tales and one aspect of the development of early narrative tales

MUROKI Hideyuki (室城秀之): The current state of research on the Utsuho monogatari うつほ物語

HINATA Kazumasa (日向一雅): The structure of the tales of kingship, family, and “everlasting sorrow” in the Genji monogatari 源氏物語: With the “Kiritsubo” 桐壷 chapter as a starting point

KARASHIMA Masao (辛島正雄): The two versions of the Torikaebaya monogatari とりかへばや物語: With a focus on material relating to the fourth daughter

MISUMI Yoichi (三角洋一): A tentative reading of the episode “An Excursion to Sagano” in the Sumiyoshi monogatari 住吉物語

No. 82 (Published Feb. 2002)
New Approaches to the History of Chinese Fiction with a Focus on Narrative

KOMINAMI Ichiro (小南一郎): Introduction

KOMINAMI Ichiro: T‘ang 唐 -dynasty ch‘uan-ch‘i 伝奇 stories: From the narrative locus to the written work

KIM Moonkyong (金文京): The literature of Tun-huang 敦煌

KOMATSU Ken (小松謙): Narration in historical fiction

OTSUKA Hidetaka (大塚秀高): Characteristics of Sung 宋 -dynasty hsiao-shuo hua-pen 小説話本 as seen in the Lü-ch‘uang hsin-hua 緑窗新話: With a focus on “encounters”

SUZUKI Yoichi (鈴木陽一):“Narration” in short stories of the Ming 明 and Ch‘ing 清: With a focus on the San-yen 三言 and Erh-p‘o 二拍

No. 81 (Published Sep. 2001)
Studies in Medieval Japanese History

ISHII Susumu (石井進): Foreword

AMINO Yoshihiko (網野善彦): Commerce and finance in the Middle Ages: The beginnings of ‘capitalism’

KATSUMATA Shizuo (勝俣鎮夫): The structure of the sekkyo 説教 “Sansho dayu” さんせう太夫: Time and space sacred and profane

KASAMATSU Hiroshi (笠松宏至): Undated statements of accusation and rebuttal

ISHII Susumu (石井進): The distinctive characteristics of the environs of Kamakura 鎌倉 as a medieval city

MURAI Shosuke (村井章介): The boundaries of medieval Japan
