一般財團法人東方學會 本文へジャンプ


No. 20 (Published Mar. 1971)
Studies on Kamakura Buddhism

TAMAKI Kōshirō (玉城康四郎): Foreword

TAMAKI Kōshirō: The position of Dōgen 道元 in the history of Buddhist thought

HAYASHIMA Kyōshō (早島鏡正): From Śākyamuni (Gotama Buddha) to Shinran 親鸞, founder of the denomination of Jōdo-Shinshū 浄土真宗

TAMURA Yoshirō (田村芳朗): The New Buddhism of Kamakura 鎌倉 and Nichiren 日蓮

AKIYAMA Terukazu (秋山光和): New Buddhist sects and emakimono 絵巻物 (handscroll painting) in the Kamakura period

INOUE Mitsusada (井上光貞): Eizon 叡尊, Ninshō 忍性 and the Saidai-ji 西大寺 order

No. 19 (Published Dec. 1970)

HAMADA Atsushi (浜田敦): The Japanese language as recorded by Chinese and Koreans: Materials for the historical study of Japanese

ABE Yoshio (阿部吉雄): Development of Neo-Confucianism in Japan, Korea and China: A comparative study

FUJINO Iwatomo (藤野岩友): On Chinese soul-inviting firefly-catching songs: A study on Chinese folklore

HARA Minoru (原実): Tapo-dhana

SHIBA Yoshinobu (斯波義信): Commercialization of farm products in the Sung 宋 period

YAMAGUCHI Zuihō (山口瑞鳳): Su-p‘i 蘇* and Sun-po 孫波: A historico-geographical study on the relation between rTsan yul and Yan lag gsum pahi ru

No. 18 (Published Mar. 1970)
Japanese Studies in Southeast Asian History

IWAO Seiichi (岩生成一): Foreword

IWAO Seiichi: Japanese emigrants in Batavia during the 17th century

KAWABE Toshio (河部利夫): On the periodization of Thai history

FUJIWARA Riichirō (藤原利一郎): Vietnamese dynasties’ policies toward Chinese immigrants

YAMAMOTO Tatsuro (山本達郎): Myths explaining the vicissitudes of political power in ancient Vietnam

WADA Hisanori (和田久徳): Development of Japanese studies in Southeast Asian history

No. 17 (Published Oct. 1969)

HARADA Yoshito (原田淑人): A few problems concerning designs of Chinese decorative art of the T‘ang 唐 dynasty

SUGIMOTO Naojirō (杉本直治郎): The life of Abe no Nakamaro 阿倍仲麻呂 (Ch‘ao Heng 朝衡) as commented on by Waley: A critical study

HAMA Kazue (浜一衛): Takeuma 竹馬

TAKAHASHI Kunitarō (高橋邦太郎): Jules Brunet, Français qui combattit à Goryōkaku 五陵郭

No. 16 (Published Feb. 1969)
Studies in Chinese Literature

YOSHIKAWA Kōjirō (吉川幸次郎): Tu Fu’s 杜甫 poetics and poetry

MAENO Naoaki (前野直彬): The origin of fiction in China

TŌDŌ Akiyasu (藤堂明保): Some notes on Ch‘iang tribes 羌族

TANAKA Kenji (田中謙二): A history of Japanese studies of Yüan 元 drama

No. 15 (Published Dec. 1968)
Studies in Chinese and Japanese Art History

YONEZAWA Yoshiho (米沢嘉圃): The style of “musicians riding an elephant” and the transition in landscape painting

SUZUKI Kei (鈴木敬): A few observations concerning the Li 李-Kuo 郭 school of landscape art in the Yüan 元 dynasty

YAMANE Yūzō (山根有三): Ogata Kōrin 尾形光琳 and the art of the Genroku 元禄 era

MACHIDA Kōichi (町田甲一): A historical survey of the controversy as to whether the Hōryū-ji 法隆寺 was rebuilt or not

No. 14 (Published Mar. 1968)

KANAYA Osamu (金谷治): The textual criticism of the Meng-tzu 孟子

SAGUCHI Tōru (佐口透): The revival of the white mountain Khwājas, 1760-1820 (from Sarimsāq to Jihāngīr)

ETŌ Shinkichi (衞藤瀋吉): The policy-making process of the proposed interception of the Peking-Mukden Railway: Tanaka 田中 diplomacy and its background

No. 13 (Published Oct. 1967)
Modernization of Japan

KAMISHIMA Jirō (神島二郎): Modernization of Japan and the problem of‘ie’ 家 consciousness

TŌYAMA Shigeki (遠山茂樹): Reforms of the Meiji Restoration and the birth of modern intellectuals

TORIUMI Yasushi (鳥海靖): Recent trend of the studies on “modernization of Japan”

No. 12 (Published Mar. 1967)
Studies in Modern Chinese History

ETŌ Shinkichi (衞藤瀋吉): On roles of Yang-wu-p‘ai 洋務派

HATANO Yoshihiro (波多野善大): The response of the Chinese bureaucracy to modern machinery

MURAMATSU Yūji (村松祐次): The land problem in the modernization of China

KAWABATA Genji (河鰭源治): Enforcement of hsiang-kuan chih-tu 郷官制度, system of rural officials, in the T‘ai-p‘ing t‘ien-kuo 太平天国 and its background

ONOGAWA Hidemi (小野川秀美): Liu Shih-p‘ei 劉師培 and anarchism

No. 11 (Published Sep. 1966)

ABE Akio (阿部秋生): Murasaki Shikibu’s 紫式部 view on the nature of monogatari 物語

NAKAMURA Hajime (中村元): The fundamental standpoint of early Buddhist ethics

OYAMA Atsuko (小山敦子): How to use the particles no, ga, wa, ni and o ?

OKADA Hidehiro (岡田英弘): Life of Dayan Qaɣan

DEMIÉVILLE, Paul: Aperçu historique des études sinologiques en France


No. 10 (Published Feb. 1966)

MASUI Tsuneo (増井経夫): Silver and China in the 19th century

HANAYAMA Shōyū (花山勝友): A summary of various research on the Prajñāpāramitā literature by Japanese scholars

No. 9 (Published Sep. 1965)

SHIMOMURA Fujio (下村冨士男): Disintegration of the political principles of the Edo regime and the formation of the han 藩 clique

MORI Masao (護雅夫): On Chi-li-fa 俟利発 (Eltäbär/Eltäbir) and Chi-chin 俟斤 (Irkin) of the T‘ieh-lê 鉄勒tribes

TAKEUCHI Teruo (竹内照夫): A study of the meaning of jen 仁 advocated by Confucius

IWAMOTO Yutaka (岩本裕): Lexikalische Nachlesen aus dem Saddharmapundarīka I

MISHINA Shōei & MURAKAMI Yoshio (三品彰英・村上四男): The development of the studies of Korean history and culture in Japan

No. 8 (Published Mar. 1965)

MIYAZAKI Ichisada (宮崎市定): The nature of Taiping rebellion (太平天国)

HISAMATSU Sen’ichi (久松潜一): The characteristics of beauty in the Japanese Middle Ages

MORIYA Mitsuo (守屋美都雄): Study on Ssu-shih-tsuan-yao 四時纂要

NIIDA Noboru (仁井田陞): The state power and serfdom in China

YASUDA Motohisa (安田元久): History of the studies of the formation of Japanese hōken 封建 system (feudalism)

No. 7 (Published Dec. 1964)

IWAMOTO Yutaka (岩本裕): Die tribetische Version des Sumāgadhāvadāna

IMOTO Nōichi (井本農一): Independence of hokku 発句 in haikai 俳諧 and its significance

NAKAMURA Hajime (中村元): A critical survey of Mahāyāna and Esoteric Buddhism chiefly based upon Japanese studies―Continued

No. 6 (Published Mar. 1964)

KOMAI Kazuchika (駒井和愛): The Ainu in the age of T‘ang 唐 dynasty

SUZUKI Shun (鈴木俊): On chün-t‘ien 均田, the land policy of equal allotment, and tsu-yung-tiao 租庸調 system in the Sui 隋 dynasty

TŌDŌ Akiyasu (藤堂明保): Development of Mandarin from 14c. to 19c.

ABE Akio (阿部秋生): The contemporary studies of Genji monogatari 源氏物語

NAKAMURA Hajime (中村元): A critical survey of Mahāyāna and Esoteric Buddhism chiefly based upon Japanese studies

No. 5 (Published Oct. 1963)

NAKAMURA Hajime (中村元): A critical survey of Indian religions and philosophy chiefly based upon Japanese studies

ONO Shinobu (小野忍): Chin P‘ing Mei 金瓶梅: A critical study

ONO Katsutoshi (小野勝年): Dr. E. O. Reischauer’s Ennin’s Travels in T‘ang China

No. 4 (Published July 1963)

IWAO Seiichi (岩生成一): Reopening of the diplomatic and commercial relations between Japan and Siam during the Tokugawa period

ICHIKO Teiji (市古貞次): Otogi and literature

ŌJIHARA Yutaka (大地原豊): Mahābhāsya ad Pānini 1.1.56: Un essai de traduction

UMEHARA Sueji (梅原末治): Ancient mirrors and their relationship to early Japanese culture

AKATSUKA Kiyoshi (赤塚忠): A new study of the Shih-ku wen 石鼓文 ( the ancient letters carved in ten drum-type stones): Abridged

HIIRAGI Gen’ichi (柊源一): The trend of studies of ‘Kirishitan’ literature

No. 3 (Published Sep. 1962)

MORI Shikazō (森鹿三): Han-time documents from Chü-yen 居延 with particular reference to those discovered at Ulan-durbeljin

UNO Atsushi (宇野惇): The concept of vyāpti in the Nyāya school

HIGUCHI Takayasu (樋口隆康): Newly discovered Western Chou 周 bronzes

IWAMURA Shinobu (岩村忍): Nomad and farmer in Central Asia

HARADA Yoshito (原田淑人): Ancient glass in the history of cultural exchange between East and West

Róna-Tas, A.: Ten years of Altaic (philological) studies in Hungary

No. 2 (Published Jan. 1962)

HATTORI Shirō (服部四郎): The affinity of Japanese: Phonetic law and lexicostatistical “sounding”

SHIGESAWA Toshio (重沢俊郎): The significance of contradictions as seen in the ideology of Wang Fu 王符

NAGAHIRO Toshio (長広敏雄): A study on the central pavilion scenes of the Wu family shrines (武氏祠)

OYAMA Atsuko (小山敦子): How was the Genji monogatari 源氏物語 written ?

MORI Katsumi (森克己): International relations between the 10th and the 16th century and the development of the Japanese international consciousness

MAENO Naoaki (前野直彬): Research in Japan on Chinese poetry during the Edo 江戸 period with special emphasis on T‘ang-shih hsüan 唐詩選

No. 1 (Published Mar. 1961)

SUGIHARA Sōsuke & TOZAWA Mitsunori (杉原荘介・戸沢充則): Pre-ceramic age in Japan

HISAMATSU Sen’ichi (久松潜一): Fujiwara Shunzei 藤原俊成 and literary theories of the Middle Age

OGAWA Tamaki (小川環樹): The song of Ch‘ih-le 勅勒歌: Chinese translations of Turkic folk songs and their influence on Chinese poetry

NAKAMURA Hajime (中村元): A brief survey of Japanese studies on the philosophical schools of the Mahāyāna

KUNO Takeshi & INOUE Tadashi (久野健・井上正): Study of the Yakushi triad in the Kondō 金堂, Yakushi-ji 薬師寺
