東 方 学 論 集
(Memoirs of the Institute of Eastern Culture) |
An English summary is appended to each article.
No. 1~No 3
Price.: 1,500 yen each volume
○羽田 亨 (HANEDA Tōru): 東方学論集の発刊に当って (Foreword: On the occasion of publishing
the first issue of the Tōhōgaku Ronshū)
○論文 (Articles)
松田寿男 (MATSUDA Hisao): 東西交通史における居延についての考 (On the position occupied by Etsina in the intercourse between East and West)
岩生成一 (IWAO Seiichi): 十七世紀バタビヤ移住日本人の奴隷取引 (The Japanese in Batavia during the seventeenth century and their slave trade)
赤塚 忠 (AKATSUKA Kiyoshi): 先秦儒家の目的論の展開 (On the development of the teleology of the pre-Ch‘in Confucianists)
松本雅明 (MATSUMOTO Masaaki): 紀記歌謡における中国詩の影響 (The influence of Chinese poetry on the songs in the Nihon shoki and the Kojiki)
藤堂明保 (TŌDŌ Akiyasu): 上古漢語の方言――特に周秦方言の特色について (On the special features of the Chou-Ch‘in dialect)
伊藤徳男 (ITŌ Tokuo): 前漢の九卿について (On the nine ch‘ing of the Former Han)
浜 一衛 (HAMA Kazue): 臉譜源流 (On the history of the lien-pu (patterns of make-up of actors))
山井 湧 (YAMANOI Yū): 明末清初における経世致用の学 (The “practical learning for statecraft”
in the late Ming and the early Ch‘ing period)
沢田瑞穂 (SAWADA Mizuho): 道光白陽教始末 (On the “White Yang” sect during the Tao-kuang era (1821-1850) )
河鰭源治 (KAWABATA Genji): 太平天国における郷官設置の実態――蘇浙湖浜地帯の一例によって (On local officials
under the T‘ai-p‘ing regime)
○論文 (Articles)
三上次男 (MIKAMI Tsugio): 大邱の支石墓群と古代南鮮社会 (The structure of the tribal nations of South Korea in ancient times, as seen in the dolmen groups)
貝塚茂樹 (KAIZUKA Shigeki): 中国古代都市における民会 (The people’s assembly in the city-states of ancient China)
杉本直治郎・御手洗 勝 (SUGIMOTO Naojirō & MITARAI Masaru): 神山伝説と帰墟伝説 (“Shen-shan”(divine mountains) and “Kuei-hsü” (bottomless valley) believed to exist in the ocean)
佐中 壮 (SANAKA Sō): 葛洪の生涯とその風格 (On the life and personality of Ko Hung)
田村実造 (TAMURA Jitsuzō): 北魏開国伝説の背景 (Background of the founding legend of the Northern Wei)
網 祐次 (AMI Yūji): 南斉竟陵王蕭子良の文学活動について (On the literary activity of Hsiao Tzu-liang, prince of Ching-ling during the Southern Ch‘i)
川口久雄 (KAWAGUCHI Hisao): 李商隠雑纂と清少納言枕草子について (On the relation between the Tsa-tsuan of Li Shang-yin and the Makura-no-sōshi of Sei Shōnagon)
山脇悌二郎 (YAMAWAKI Teijirō): 近世日支貿易におけるコンメンダ投資についての一考察 (On commenda in modern Sino-Japanese trade)
○論文 (Articles)
窪 徳忠 (KUBO Noritada): 中国の三尸信仰と日本の庚申信仰 (The Taoist origin of the Japanese celebration of the cyclic day of metal and the monkey (kōshin))
増淵龍夫 (MASUBUCHI Tatsuo): 戦国秦漢時代における集団の「約」について (On the rules or yüeh of associations in the Han and pre-Han eras)
佐伯 富 (SAEKI Tomi): 清代道光朝における淮南塩政の改革 (Reform in the control of salt in Huai-nan during the Tao-kuang era of the Ch‘ing period)
伊藤義教 (ITŌ Gikyō): イマと太陽――アヴェスタの一課題 (Yima and the Sun)