Membership Bylaws of The Tōhō Gakkai

1. The membership of the Tōhō Gakkai (The Institute of Eastern Culture) consists of scholars, both Japanese and foreign, who are engaged in
  Eastern studies.

2. Members shall be admitted by the board of directors of the Institute from among persons and organizations wishing to cooperate in the activities
  of the Institute and recommended by an officer (director, councilor, academic member, or local liaison officer) of the Institute.

3. Members are requested to pay the membership fee annually and are entitled to receive regularly the Tōhōgaku (Eastern Studies), the semi-annual
  journal of the Institute, and participate in the activities of the Institute open to members.

4. Members are entitled to a discount of 10 percent when purchasing the Institute’s other publications such as Acta Asiatica, Transactions of the
  International Conference of Eastern Studies
, etc.

5. Members who do not pay the necessary fees for more than two years after they are due, despite reminders, may be removed from the membership

Annual Membership Fee
¥6,000 (Overseas ¥6,500)
