一般財團法人東方學會 本文へジャンプ




Tokyo, May 18th; Kyoto, May 25th, 2024


Application form (English)
Pleses apply to participate April 1 to May 10.
Symposia I, II, and IV will be held in a hybrid format.

*「国際東方学者会議紀要」第68冊 (2025年1月刊行予定)は、刊行次第参加者に送呈いたします。
A copy of the proceedings of this Conference, Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies No. LXVIII, 2024, when published (around January 2025), will be sent to each registered participant.

東京会議 (Tokyo Session)
Date: May 18, 2024 (Saturday)
8th floor of the Nihon Kyōiku Kaikan (Japan Education Center) 日本教育会館8階会議室
2-6-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0003(千代田区一ツ橋2−6−2) Tel. 03-3230-2831
・3 minutes’ walk from ‘A1’ exit of the subway station “Jimbōchō” (Shinjuku, Hanzōmon, and Mita Lines). 地下鉄「神保町駅」(新宿線・半蔵門線・ 三田線)A1出口徒歩3分。
・5 minutes’ walk from ‘Kitanomaru- kōen’ (1b) exit of the subway station “Takebashi” on the Tōzai Line. 地下鉄 「竹橋」 駅(東西線) 北の丸公園出口(b1) 徒歩5分。
Opening Plenary Session (10:00-10:25 a.m.)

SAITŌ Akira 斎藤明, President of the Tōhō Gakkai

Congratulatory Message from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

SYMPOSIUM I (オンライン併用)
尊厳概念の近代日本への転移 (The Transfer of the Concept of Dignity to Modern Japan)

Chairperson: MAKIZUMI Etsuko 牧角悦子, Professor at Nishogakusha University

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by KOJIMA Tsuyoshi 小島毅, Professor at the University of Tokyo

10:40−11:20 Eddy DUFOURMONT (France): 中江兆民思想における尊厳と自由・平等観――フランス共和主義の導入を中心として (Dignity and the Conception of Freedom and Equality in the Thought of Nakae Chōmin: With a Focus on His Introduction of French Republicanism) (in Japanese)

11:20−12:00 MAEGAWA Ken’ichi 前川健一 (Japan): 近代仏教における縁起と尊厳 (De-pendent Origination and Dignity in Modern Buddhism) (in Japanese)
12:00−12:20 Question and Answer Session (Morning Section)
Lunch Time
13:30−14:10 INUTSUKA Yū 犬塚悠 (Japan): 和辻哲郎における尊厳概念 (Watsuji Tetsurō’s Concept of Dignity) (in Japanese)

14:10−14:50 SHANG Zhaoqi 商兆琦 (China): 丸山眞男の「尊厳」認識――その公私研究を手がかりに (The Recognition of “Dignity” by Maruyama Masao: Referring to His Study of Public and Private) (in Japanese)

14:50−15:10 Question and Answer Session (Afternoon Section)

Coffee Break

15:30—16:00 Comment:
NAKAJIMA Takahiro 中島隆博, Professor at the University of Tokyo

16:00−17:00 Discussion
SYMPOSIUM II (オンライン併用)
内藤湖南にみる近代日本東洋学の特質―歿後九十周年を記念して (Characteristics of East Asian Studies in Modern Japan as Seen in the Case of Naitō Konan: In Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of His Passing)

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by MURATA Yūjirō 村田雄二郎, Professor at Doshisha University

10:40−11:15 KANAZAWA Bunzō 金澤文三 (Japan): 内藤湖南と市村瓉次郎の漢詩酬唱――1905年奉天宮殿文献調査をめぐる追憶 (Exchanges of Chinese Poems between Naitō Konan and Ichimura Sanjirō: Reminiscences of the Investigation of Royal Books in the Mukden Palaces in 1905) (in Japanese)

11:15−11:50 KANNO Chiaki 菅野智明 (Japan): 内藤湖南の中国書法史観をめぐる諸問題 (Some Questions Concerning Naitō Konan’s View of the History of Chinese Calligraphy) (in Japanese)

11:50-12:10 Discussion

Lunch Time

13:30−14:30 QIAN Wanyue 錢婉約 (China): 博を以て専を馭べる、体用は不二なり――内藤湖南が撰した史学のモノグラフの学術的特質について (“Dealing with the Particular through Wide-ranging Sources” and “The Inseparability of Essence and Function”: On the Academic Characteristics of Naitō Konan’s Monographs on History) (in Chinese)
*Chinese Translation by BAI Chunyan 白春岩, Lecturer at Showa Women’s University

14:30−15:05 TAKEMOTO Norihito 竹元規人 (Japan): 1910~20年代の日本・中国における中国(史)研究の俯瞰的分析――内藤湖南の再定位試論" (A Bird’s-Eye Analysis of Research on China and Chinese History in Japan and China in the 1910s and 1920s: An Attempt to Reposition Naitō Konan) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

15:25−16:00 TAO Demin 陶徳民 (China): 近代に挑んだ経世気概の東洋史学者――内藤湖南の性格規定に関する試論 (A Statesmanlike Scholar of East Asian History who Challenged Western-style Modernization: An Attempt to Define Naitō Konan’s Character) (in Japanese)

16:00−17:00 Discussion

仏典を歴史化する――インド仏教研究の最前線 (Historicizing Buddhist Texts: The Forefront Research on Indian Buddhism)

Chairperson: BABA Norihisa 馬場紀寿, Professor at the University of Tokyo

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by BABA Norihisa

10:40−11:40 Mark ALLON (Australia): The Gandhari Buddhist Manuscript Collection at the Islamabad Museum, Pakistan: Preserving Pakistan’s Unique Buddhist Literary Heritage (イスラマバード博物館 (パキスタン) のガンダーラ語仏教写本コレクション――パキスタン特有の仏教文学遺産を保存する) (in English)

Lunch Time

13:00−13:40 Henry ALBERY (UK): “Stealing” the Buddha’s Relics in Law, Narrative and History (律、説話、歴史におけるブッダの聖遺物を盗むこと) (in English)

13:40−14:20 BABA Norihisa 馬場紀寿 (Japan): 『転法輪経』とダルマトラータ (The Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta and Dharmatrāta) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

14:40−15:20 TESHIMA Hideki 手嶋英貴 (Japan): 無遮会と般闍于瑟――仏典にかいま見える「大施与」儀礼の生成 (The “Unrestricted Assembly” and the Quinquennial Rite: The Genesis of “Great Almsgiving” Rites Discernible in Buddhist Texts) (in Japanese)

15:20−16:00 TANEMURA Ryūgen 種村隆元 (Japan): インド中世初期におけるタントラの発展と密教 (The Development of the Tantras in Early Medieval India and Tantric Buddhism) (in Japanese)

16:00−17:00 Discussion
SYMPOSIUM IV (オンライン併用)
ユーラシアにおける文書と通信―勅書、国書、条約文 (Documents and Communication in Eurasia: Edicts, Diplomatic Letters, and Treaty Texts)

Chairperson: MATSUI Dai 松井太, Professor at the University of Osaka

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by ONUMA Takahiro 小沼孝博, Professor at Tohoku Gakuin University

10:40−11:20 FUNADA Yoshiyuki 舩田善之 (Japan): モンゴル帝国における多言語文書の発給とその碑刻の立石 (The Production of Multilingual Documents and Their Inscription on Steles in the Mongol Empire) (in Japanese)

11:20−12:00 KONDŌ Nobuaki 近藤信彰 (Japan): 誓言から条約へ――ペルシア語文化圏におけるアフドナーメ (From an Oath to a Treaty: The ‘Ahd-name in Persianate Societies) (in Japanese)

Lunch Time

13:10−13:50 Duisenali ABDILASHIM (Kazakhstan): 18世紀カザフ・ハン国の外交関係――清朝宛カザフ語文書に見える辺境地での出来事をめぐって (The Foreign Relations of the Kazakh Khanate in the 18th Century: On Events in a Frontier Region as Seen in Kazakh Documents Sent to the Ch‘ing Dynasty) (in Japanese)

13:50−14:30 ONUMA Takahiro 小沼孝博 (Japana): 清の対中央アジア国書におけるテュルク文面の成立と宮廷訳官 (Ch‘ing Imperial Letters Addressed to Central Asia: The Emergence of the Turkic Texts and Court Translator Officials) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

14:45−15:25 KOBAYASHI Ryōsuke 小林亮介 (Japana): シムラ条約(1914年)再検討――チベット語条文への着目 (A Reexamination of the Simla Convention of 1914: Focusing on the Tibetan Texts) (in Japanese)

15:25−15:55 Comments:
MATSUI Dai & YANAGISAWA Akira 柳澤明, Professor at Waseda University

15:55−17:00 Discussion
騎馬民族征服説再考―考古学からみたヒト・モノ・文化の移動 (Reconsidering the Horserider Thesis: The Movement of People, Things, and Culture as Seen through Archaeology)

Chairperson: OKAMURA Hidenori 岡村秀典, Director of Kurokawa Institute of Ancient Cultures

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by ISAHAYA Naoto 諫早直人, Associate Professor at Kyoto Prefectural University

10:30−11:20 ISAHAYA Naoto 諫早直人 (Japan): 騎馬民族征服説再考――日本列島古墳時代における騎馬文化の出現 (Reconsidering the Horse-rider Thesis: The Emergence of Horse-riding Culture on the Japanese Archipelago in the Kofun Period) (in Japanese)

11:20−12:00 LEE Hyun-Woo 李鉉宇 (Korea): 韓半島三国時代における新式馬具の波及とその画期 (The Spread of New Types of Horse Trappings on the Korean Peninsula during the Three Kingdoms Period) (in Korean)

Lunch Time

13:00−13:00 NAKAMURA Daisuke 中村大介 (Japan): モンゴル高原の初期騎馬遊牧民――匈奴台頭による転換 (Early Horse-riding Nomads on the Mongolian Plateau: A Transition Due to the Emergence of the Hsiung-nu) (in Japanese)

13:30−14:00 MUKAI Yūsuke 向井佑介 (Japan): 中国北方の騎馬文化 ――夫余・鮮卑を中心に (The Horse-riding Culture of Northern China: With a Focus on the Puyŏ and the Hsien-pei) (in Japanese)

14:00−14:30 Joseph RYAN (USA): 欧米における騎馬民族征服説の展開と武装様式の変化からみた今日的評価 (The Development of the Horse-rider Thesis in the West and a Reassessment Based on Changes Seen in Weapon Styles) (in Japanese)

14:30−15:00 NAGATOMO Tomoko 長友朋子 (Japan): 騎馬文化出現に伴う生活様式(炊事様式)の変化 (Changes in Lifestyle [Cooking Styles] Accompanying the Emergence of Horse-riding Culture) (in Japanese)

15:20−16:50 Discussion

Comment: TANAKA Fumio 田中史生, Professor at Waseda University


平安時代史研究の最前線―摂関期を中心に (The Forefront of Research on Heian History: With a Focus on the Regency Period)

Chairpersons: ŌTSU Tōru 大津透, Professor at the University of Tokyo

10:30−10:45 Introductory Remarks by ŌTSU Tōru

10:45−11:45 Antonin FERRÉ (France): 花山院書写山御幸について /フランスにおける平安時代史研究の現在 (The Pilgrimage of Emperor Kazan to Shoshazan: With Additional Comments on the Current State of Research on Heian History in France) (in Japanese)

Lunch Time

13:00−13:40 OGURA Shigeji 小倉慈司 (Japan): 『延喜式』をどう読むか――研究の現段階と課題 (How to Read the Engi shiki: The Present State of Research and Related Issues) (in Japanese)

13:40−14:15 KAMBE Kōsuke 神戸航介 (Japan): 摂関期の行事所 (The Office of Ceremonials in the Regency Period) (in Japanese)

14:15—14:50 OSHIO Kei 小塩慶 (Japan): 説話の継承と変容――摂関期の逸話をめぐって (The Transmission and Transformation of Narrative Tales: On Anecdotes about the Regency Period) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

15:10−15:50 MASUKI Ryūsuke 増記隆介 (Japan); 道長時代の仏教美術 (Buddhist Art during the Time of Fujiwara no Michinaga) (in Japanese)

15:50−16:50 Discussion
Comments: MARUYAMA Yumiko 丸山裕美子, Professor at Aichi Prefectural University & TAKEI Noriko 武井紀子, Professor at Nihon University

美術史部会 (Asian Art History)

Chairpersons: ITAKURA Masaaki 板倉聖哲, Professor at the University of Tokyo; & NEDACHI Kensuke 根立研介, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University

10:40−11:10 ZHANG Yechen 張曄辰 (China): キトラ古墳における寅像の翻る大袖に関する一考察――武人・神将像との関係性に着目して (The Wide, Fluttering Sleeves of the Zodic Tiger: Unerstanding the Sartorial Divine in the Kitora Tumulus Murals) (in Japanese)

11:20−11:50 CHEN Siyao 陳思遙 (China): 鄭山の西方浄土変龕に関する研究 (A Study of Niches Showing the Western Pure Land at Cheng-shan) (in Japanese) Lunch Time

13:20−13:50 SHI Yuanyuan 施園園 (China): 熾盛光仏法の西夏における新たな発展について――図像分析を中心として (On New Developments in Rites Associated with Jvāloṣṇīṣa in Hsi-hsia: Focusing on an Iconographical Analysis) (in Japanese)

14:00–14:30 CAO Rui 曹鋭 (China): 明清時期の四川における移民家族墓――「地上院落式」墓葬形式の意味と展開 (The Tombs of Immigrant Families in Ssu-ch‘uan in the Ming-Ch‘ing Period: The Meaning and Development of “Above-ground Courtyard-style” Tombs) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

14:50−15:20 JUNG Miyeon 鄭美娟 (Korea): 近世やまと絵と贈朝屏風――正徳度・文化度朝鮮通信使に贈られた「舞楽図屏風」を中心に (Early Modern Yamato-e and Folding Screens Gifted to Korea: With a Focus on Folding Screens Depicting Court Music and Dancing Presented to Korean Embassies in 1711 and 1811) (in Japanese)

15:30−16:00 SATŌ Doushin 佐藤道信 (Japan): 「アート」の時代の「美術」史研究 (The Study of History of "Fine Art" during a Time of “Art” since the 1990's) (in Japanese)

Date: May 25, 2024 (Saturday)
Place: Kyoto International Community House (Event Hall) 京都市国際交流会館 (イベントホール)

2-1, Toriichō, Awataguchi, Sakyō-ku, Kyoto (京都市左京区粟田口鳥居町2-1) Tel. 075-752-3010
・6 minutes’ walk from the subway station “Ke’age” on the Tōzai Line (15 minutes from Kyoto Station). 地下鉄東西線“蹴上”駅 (京都駅から烏丸線 “烏丸御池” 乗換え、約15分) 下車、徒歩6分

Registration Fee 会議参加費: 4,000 yen (Student: 2,000 yen)

Opening Address (10:30−10:40)
AKAMATSU Akihiko 赤松明彦, Representative of Kyoto Branch of the Tōhō Gakkai

Lectures (10:40−12:50)
10:40−11:40 PAN Tao 潘涛 (China): Tocharology's Contribution to Buddhist and Historical Studies (仏教学と歴史学へのトカラ学の貢献) (in English)

11:50−12:50 TSUJI Masahiro 辻正博 (Japan): 唐代における潼関の立地と機能 (The Location and Function of T'ung Pass in the T'ang Period) (in Japanese)

The two guest speakers will be introduced to the audience by Profs. AKAMATSU Akihiko, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University, and NAKASUNA Akinori 中砂明徳, Professor at Kyoto University, respectively.

Luncheon Party (13:10−14:20)
A welcome luncheon party will be held in the Special Conference Room (特別会議室) on the 2nd floor of the Community House at the invitation of the Tōhō Gakkai (seated style).

After the luncheon party, participants will visit the Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives京都府立京都学・歴彩館(former Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives 京都府立総合資料館)in Shimogamo 下鴨 by sightseeing bus. Participants will be able to view many documents such as the Hyakugō Archives (archives of Tōji Temple contained in one hundred boxes 東寺百合文書 [national treasure]). After visiting the library, the party will break up at the JR Kyoto Station around 17:10. (参観後、観光バスにて烏丸御池経由JR京都駅八条口付近で17:10頃解散)

* Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives 京都府立京都学・歴彩館 (Hangi-chō, Shimogamo, Sakyō-ku, Kyoto京都市左京区下鴨半木町)

